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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Dallas is still a deep team but the quality of role players just isn't the same this year and with Dirk being this out of shape I just don't see them going far. The West is really OKC/Memphis' to lose at this point.
  2. Ron Paul actually had a great debate tonight but this is Romney's race all the way and I don't mind that at all. Only knock on him for me is his healthcare plan is too similar to Obamacare.
  3. Just curious, what does Riley's style have to do with LeBron? Riles isn't coaching this team and if we don't win it this year I doubt Spo is going to be here either.
  4. Omg get over it already you're like a broken [expletive]ing record.
  5. I wouldn't doubt it. However, Miami will have another star alongside him in Bosh who he'll hopefully have won a ring with by then. It really depends on a lot of stuff. Who knows what Norris Cole is going to become but he has a lot of potential and I don't see Dwyane retiring around that time either. Who knows though. If we win a ring or 2, and he chooses to be a FA we'll just have to accept it.
  6. Here's the video I found of after the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbVaXXXpeSI
  7. Didn't Pau bump Paul after the game though and point at him when the teams were walking off the floor?
  8. lol @ Pau channeling his inner KG and trying the opposing PG.
  9. Also, I hope this stretch is showing people just how good Chris Bosh still is. That guy hets killed by everyone in the media and fans alike but damn he's been impressive this year.
  10. Jeez, Blake sold that better than Bosh did against Chicago.
  11. This team looks retarded without Wade but I really think they just play lazy against bad teams. Its what I've come to realize with this team. They play down to the level of teams because well, unless its Boston, Dallas, Chicago, LA, OKC or NY they just don't give a shit.
  12. Why is it that a political discussion has to come to this? All Kingfish did was point out a fact.
  13. If Roger beats Nadal I think he takes the whole thing. Dude looks damn impressive so far.
  14. Didn't know about his relationship with Thompson but I know he and Kyrie have been close for a while. That's cool that he reaches out to some of the younger guys in the league like that though. I know he's been doing a lot with Norris Cole down here.
  15. Played like shit and still won. Good job especially Bosh.
  16. So is this still Cleveland's biggest game of the season? Or have we all moved on?
  17. Their games just don't go well with one another either they both need to ball in their hands to be successful and neither creates for other guys or plays defense.
  18. Until the Knicks get a halfway decent backcourt even with Dwight they won't be an improved team with that deal.
  19. On another note, holy shit American tennis has fallen off. Its pretty pathetic at this point.
  20. GOAT intro song to any sporting event.
  21. Yeah not only that which I totally agree on but every time he gets fouled even a small foul he stares the other guy down like he just [expletive]ed his mom or something and Blake wants to kill him. Same thing with refs who don't give him a call he needs to get past that immature shit and just play. He dwells on that stuff a lot and I feel like it hurts his game at times. The shit he did to Chalmers last year is just unacceptable for any top player to do in this league rookie or not. That was some petty, Kevin Garnett type shit. Not to mention the Andre Miller thing.
  22. His game has so much potential but I hate the way he carries himself on the court. Dude needs to grow up a bit if he wants to stay at the top.
  23. Lol @ the Pacers above us after we dismantled them.
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