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Harvester Of Sorrow

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Everything posted by Harvester Of Sorrow

  1. My friend got his lockerz t shirt and signs in for me since im lazy lol. but i still have 19 invites lol. im prob never going to use the points as each time i go to use them, everything is gone lol
  2. I never got why they dont use him, but they use his brand.
  3. ah classic AVGN. its prob not on dvd since everyone wants to get paid, and it takes forever to get that done lol.
  4. Im going to agree, season 1 is prob the best, and season 4 is def great. nothing beats john saying [expletive] to his wife and own kid. hes perfect as a killer. Deb has to find out dexter is a killer, its time he wasnt alone in this and for her to understand her bro is crazy, but he does it for the good of the country.
  5. Still am a fan somewhat. I know they are re-releasing them in japan in HD, they redid the voiced with the voice actors and are now making it follow the manga more closely and cutting the show down to 100 episodes instead of the what 250? so if it ever hits stateside, id get that bluray set.
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