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Everything posted by kingfish

  1. Mw2 really does suck. I mean its a terrible game. This coming from someone who has a 2.52 k/d ratio. I play it simply out of pure boredom.
  2. Didnt you guys play pretty well without him though? I remember watching a couple games and u guys went down to the wire. In fact I think you even almost beat Cavs without Bosh. You might have to win like 2 more games to get a playoff spot. That doable?
  3. Yes because im just dieing for my team to beat the big bad city of Cleveland. Remind me what u guys have won again?
  4. He remind us to check his stats though. lol
  5. Think hel risk playing through a broken bone?
  6. What if Corn on the Colb dont work out brah.
  7. U better watch it. N4S will get after u.
  8. LMAO Tebow in Philly? Wow that would be a horrible fit. He would get absolutely destroyed there. Not by NFL opponents, BUT BY HIS OWN TEAMS CITY.
  9. Duke. Its Kobes alma mattar. Okay not really but it would have been
  10. Yes. :glasses: have u ever ODed on coke?
  11. Angels off to a good start Our offense is going to be super beastly this year, last year it was just beast. Pitching is solid and deep, we just need someone to step up as a bonafide ace. But I think we have a least 3 guys that can do it.
  12. Lol no one said it was easy. However you cant defend Blatche in this situation.
  13. Lol I knew he was. I knew he just goes for stats. I hate people like that. Blatche is a POS and I will never respect him for as long as hes in the NBA.
  14. I eat some pizza. Every time I eat Pizza hut I feel like its the Western conference finals or the NBA finals again.
  15. Absolutely no way. No reliable bigs. I could see any of the west teams taking out the Thunder. With the exception of maybe Phoenix.
  16. Yup I just felt it. Was playin MW2 at the time, worried my disc might get messed up from the xbox shakin. Its all good in the hood though. I heard some problems in LA though.
  17. This is Pau's team now. Kobe is Robin again.
  18. Yes I agree now we do miss him. Odom needs to help the bench cause were pathetic in that aspect. Nobody stepped up to replace Bynums production except for LO.
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