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Everything posted by GamerGuy

  1. I'm going to start deleting your posts if that's all you're going to write.
  2. Immature, condescending, disrespectful, ignorant, arrogant, mocking, mean spirited, angry, tactless, and just down right hateful. Thanks for showing everyone just how swell you atheists are, and how rotten and terrible us religious folks can be. There's not much I can say or do at this point, try to have a reasonable talk with some people and they just show their true colors. Hopefully one day you guys will genuinely have an interest to learn more about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Until then, I'll be praying.
  3. Two things I would like to clear up. 1) Christian scientists, theologians, archeologists, and many others are constantly studying the Bible. People are always breaking it down, trying to learn more about it every single day. Your horrid misconception that all Christians just take it as it is and don't bother to learn more about it is laughable. 2.) You guys disregard the Bible as a bunch of "stories", as if they were passed down from word of mouth from one to another. This could not be farther than the truth. The scribes who made copies of the manuscripts for others took extreme care when writing it down. If they made even just one mistake, they would destroy the entire document and start over. This is a good read for you guys, but I get the feeling that you won't read it, or will just discard it because of the url. Just a small tidbit, there's a lot more here. http://bible.org/article/how-accurate-bible
  4. Evolution was invented by humans, so you basically don't believe in anything that humans came up with?
  5. Studies have shown that inmates who come under religious influence while behind bars have a far lower rate of returning to crime than those who didn't have any religious influence. http://www.prisonministry.org/statistics_study.htm http://www.leaderu.com/humanities/johnson.html
  6. You do realize why that number is so large is because most prisoners convert while they are in prison? Prison ministry is a huge outreach, and it really helps turn a lot of lives around.
  7. It's still early, but Andrew Bynum is looking really impressive so far. His offensive game is more refined, he takes his time in the offense and he looks comfortable out there. His knee doesn't seem to be bothering him either, which is great to see. I've got the feeling that this will finally be his year to shine.
  8. You know what I find hilarious? The fact that you blast Christians for sharing their beliefs, and yet, you yourself preach yours. You are constantly bringing up your own beliefs, even in threads where it doesn't belong. OK, we get it...you don't believe in God, gods, or religion. Fine, whatever. What's not fine however, is your hypocritical double-standard. Aren't atheists supposed to be stoic, non preachy people? If you don't like people sharing their beliefs, THEN DON'T SHARE YOURS. Whenever someone mentions religion, or God, or anything religious for that matter, you always have to show up and spew your rhetoric. It's one thing to talk and debate about things where its warranted, but when you constantly bring it up outside those topics, it becomes annoying really fast.
  9. No where in the Bible does it say the Earth is a certain age. Young Earth Creationists got 10,000 years by calculating the dates and genealogies in the Bible.
  10. Post padding is one thing, but disrespecting my moderators is another thing entirely. You just crossed the line, buddy. Enjoy your 72 hour vacation. Thread closed.
  11. Good to have you back Nick, we've missed ya. Also, that is so awesome to hear about your walk with God. It's always great to see a fellow Christian so jovial about his faith. :glasses:
  12. A tad early to give him such a prestigious reward, don't ya think?
  13. We need a podcast name for our up and coming NBA podcast, and we need your help. We're stuck on names, so if you guys have any ideas for basketball related podcast names, throw them out there. Also, the name can't be in use by someone else already...a quick way to check is to google the name with terms like "NBA podcast" and such. With that said...go!
  14. Goodness gracious Shannon Brown. Settle down young man, settle down.
  15. Sasha has made more shots tonight than he did all of last year. Good to see.
  16. Poor Monta, not even a few minutes into the game and he tweaked his ankle. Hope he's alright. A bit sluggish so far, but considering its the first preseason game for us, its to be expected.
  17. Man, I want this bad...but I'm broke as hell. For the option where you create a player and try to get drafted and such, do you have to have the Combine mode before hand or can you do it with just 2K10?
  18. What a truly terrible list. Dirk at #4? Garnett over Kobe? Shaq so low? Iverson should be higher than McGrady...good gracious, what was this writer thinking?
  19. Lakers first preseason game is tonight against the Warriors. Get pumped!
  20. There's so much unhealthy crap in those shots, its not even funny. I'll be sticking with my immune system.
  21. Granger is still very young, he's still got a while before he gets near his peak. If I had to pick one for this season, I'd go with Granger. He's a better defender than Durant, and he has the potential to become even better offensively as time goes on.
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