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Everything posted by GamerGuy

  1. In other words, Jerome came across this thread when he googled his name, and now he's raging. We are so screwed.
  2. He's in his prime right now. He's taken on some injuries over the past few years, but despite that his game is the most complete its ever been.
  3. Ya know, its fine that you don't like Bosh and all...but if you can't add something relevant to the discussion, then don't post.
  4. If you don't like it, then get out. There are a lot of people who do enjoy watching it...legitimately, and not because they're just desperate for some basketball. Its fine if you don't like it, but don't berate others that do.
  5. Back in June, we were hacked and we lost everything. We rebuilt the site from scratch, and started over. That's why everyone has a "low" post count and there's relatively fewer members. Welcome, by the way. Make yourself right at home, the season is just right around the corner.
  6. Play Dance Dance Revolution...and I'm dead serious. Once you get into the higher difficulties, your legs and feet will be moving all over the place. It'll improve your eye-foot coordination, your lateral quickness and stamina, and it'll tone your legs. Trust me on this, it helps out tremendously. A major part to playing defense is being able to stay in front of your man, using your legs and body to guard instead of just your hands, so having that lateral quickness will help out a lot.
  7. David Stern also likes clean slates, and letting Vegas have a team would be a nice way of doing that. But alas, he's pretty paranoid with the league's image...I can see him denying Vegas a team just because of the prior gambling scandal.
  8. If the Kings did have to move, it would most likely be to Vegas. The Maloof brothers LOVE it there, and the city would love to have an NBA team.
  9. What a game winning drive by the Vikings...what a game winning touch-down by Favre. Wow.
  10. Keep in mind that it was only after the Celtics had drafted Bill Russell, and that Auerbach changed the Celtics game from a high-scoring team to a defensive juggernaut, that Auerbach started winning titles. To be honest, its difficult to say who is better, but I like how Jackson has won throughout the years with different groups of players. As of now, its close...but if Phil can repeat this year, and possibly earn another title after that...he'll be without question the greatest NBA coach of all time.
  11. Please try to post more than just names...give a reason why. Add some substance to the post.
  12. You gotta love his attitude, the dude never quits. I really hope he can come back strong from this injury, and stay healthy.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNJP_moDkUA Such a good song.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir2ResEU-Wc Get With The Times - Cool Calm Pete
  15. Perhaps this homecoming will rejuvenate him this season, it would be nice to see Big Ben play with some spirit like he used to.
  16. Well, it'll be interesting to see if he can make the cut. If he's half decent defensively, that's good enough for me.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P7muwuQeZk
  18. Wow, I feel so bad for her. That was a total douche move by Kanye.
  19. Saw this yesterday, and I thought it was pretty good. Wasn't amazing or anything, but good none the less. Stiglitz ftw.
  20. Hard to believe it's been almost a decade since this happened, I can still remember that day very clearly. R.I.P to all the lives that were lost. You will never be forgotten.
  21. I'm here, I just read a lot more than I do post.
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