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Everything posted by GamerGuy

  1. Happy Birthday, Mr. Smith. Hope you had a good one.
  2. No, I'm not mad, but I am getting tired of your constant Kobe-trollin'. Knock it off.
  3. I don't think its possible for you to go three posts without blasting Kobe in one of them. I mean, seriously. Your frothing hate for the guy is outstanding...and quite frankly, not healthy. I'm beginning to think you have some super man-crush on the dude, the type where you openly say you hate him and what not, but deep down, you just can't stop thinking about him. He's dribbling through your mind all day, and you're so insecure about it that you have to convince yourself you hate him by showing it as much as possible. It's ok, though. There's hope. All you have to do is just embrace your inner Kobe love, and soon enough all of your hatred will simply fade away.
  4. I'll have a drink occasionally, and that's it. I don't get drunk or anything, just something light while relaxing at home. People who get wasted all the time though, yeah, that's stupid. Never smoked anything in my life, and don't plan on it. Being a former asthmatic, I used to get bad attacks, and not being able to breathe SUCKS.
  5. There's no rush dude, you know that. Don't go killing yourself over something that can wait a bit. B)
  6. Could be like Kingdom Hearts...that'd be tight.
  7. In both pics, the mom doesn't look very happy. That's so awesome though...probably the best birthday gift she could ask for, haha.
  8. The smoke out here is crazy, and I'm a good hour and half drive away from the fires.
  9. You guys will just have to wait for them...it'll be well worth it. B)
  10. Internet was down for two days, but its back now. Yay. I also went to a Beach Boys concert last night. It was tiiiiight.
  11. Do you not realize how small government was when Jefferson was president? (As opposed to today.)
  12. How about you move to Denmark, then? A lot of Americans don't like big government...myself included. And as long as I'm an American citizen, I'll voice my opinion and hope something will get done to stop big government. I'm perfectly happy living here in America, I just don't like, or want, big government. You can tell how happy the Danes are until you're blue in the face, it doesn't matter to me. I don't freakin' care if it works for them, it doesn't work for me.
  13. Haha, wow. Just because I agree with him on politics, it doesn't mean I agree with him on religion or philosophy. What was your point posting that, exactly?
  14. Happiness is relative. What works for John Doe may not work for me. Big government doesn't work for me.
  15. While some of the new deal policies helped during the Great Depression, it was the start of WWII that really pulled the country out of the hole it was in. After the war, Americans returned to a relatively normal lifestyle, and the government relaxed its control on some of the policies they implemented pre-war.
  16. That's gotta be exciting, Smithers. So Saturday I went to the beach with some friends...had a blast. I applied the sunscreen multiple times throughout the day, I figured I was good. I was wrong. Came back home with a pretty nice burn, so I figured I would be alright with some aloe vera. I was wrong, again. Apparently, since I was exposed to the sun for so long (all day), I had gotten sun poisoning. Had a fever the night I came home, constant chills, my entire body was on fire. I felt nauseous, my feet were swelling up, and I was dehydrated. The fever and chills only lasted one night, but my gosh that was one of the worst nights of my life. Feet are still swollen, although not nearly as bad...constant icing and keeping them elevated really helps out. The burns are starting to go away and peel, so that's a relief. I almost regret going. I say almost, because we built a freaking awesome sand pyramid. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs166.snc1/6210_134366519251_581134251_3188245_2102069_n.jpg Totally worth it.
  17. My boss tried to add on Facebook....after he laid me off. Yeah, I wasn't gonna accept that request.
  18. When you upload a picture for an avatar, if its too big it'll automatically scale it down in size. I'm guessing that's the problem here...but its kind of strange, since you had that avatar for a while. I think the board update screwed with it, try re-uploading the picture.
  19. He apologized, changed it, and stated why he did it in the first place. Accept it, drop it, and move on.
  20. trutrojan8, knock it off. You need to watch what you say about others, because I'm getting real sick and tired of you constantly blasting people for the smallest things. Chill out.
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