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Everything posted by GamerGuy

  1. I'll be working, so I guess I'll have to set up my picks before hand.
  2. I don't see how BFT was angry in his posts, they seemed to be well thought out to me. I understand that you guys will be defensive about your team, but he didn't say anything overly negative about them.
  3. I would pay money to see a Howard-Griffin front-court. Could you imagine a Lakers, Clippers game? Bynum and Gasol vs Howard and Griffin, goodness gracious.
  4. He would add a veteran's presence in the locker room, not to mention his defense and three-point shooting would really give them a boost off the bench. I think that with lots of games being played in a short amount of time having another guy at the 3 wouldn't be such a bad thing.
  5. Fewer non-conference games will make it easier on the players travel wise, which is a good thing. Back-to-back-to-back games will be tough, but having so many games to watch during the week will be awesome. ^_^
  6. Smith had an injury recently, think it was serious enough to keep him sidelined for some time. But man...they have to be kicking themselves hard right now for not having an out-clause in their contracts.
  7. I heard the news on my drive to work today. Couldn't believe it...I'm shocked that they got it done. OTR is alive and kickin', baby.
  8. So I was supposed to work 5:45 PM to 10 tonight. At least, that's what my manager wrote on my schedule. So I figured I could stay up last night...got to bed at 4. Got a call from my manager at 7 this morning saying "Did you forget that you work today?" I ended up going in at 9 and working till 1. Turns out my manager made a mistake on my schedule, and I was supposed to work at 5:45 AM today...she felt pretty bad about it. So I'm home now and my dad's side of his family is over...and they're kind of...kind of insane. At least I get to eat soon. Hopefully. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope it turns out better than mine so far.
  9. Memphis should've just held onto the ball instead of trying to take it up court. Maymon probably would of made the shot had he not faded away so much. He had a great look at the basket there too.
  10. I've been playing through the previous games in anticipation for this. I should be getting it for Christmas, so I got about a month to get through Twilight Princess. I'm halfway through Majora's Mask right now...by far the creepiest game in the series.
  11. 1. I've noticed a lot of NBA fans (myself included) have a hard time getting into college basketball. Why do you think that is? 2. Do you think that missing an entire year of basketball will hurt the Thunder in terms of development and team chemistry?
  12. Unbelievable. Looks like I'll have more time to play video games this year. :wallbash3:
  13. We were sold out. Gonna have to wait....
  14. I think I'll pick this up on my break at work tonight. Employee discount ftw.
  15. What system did you get it for Justin? I'm pretty sure my PC could handle it, but I'll probably get it for 360 if there's not much of a difference between the two.
  16. Thanks! Though my birthday was in May...I think trutrojan was referring to himself.
  17. So I haven't played the Elder Scrolls series before...but this looks pretty amazing. Does it really matter which game I jump into first? I figured it would be like Final Fantasy, where each game was it's own thing. So basically, should I get this?
  18. The players vote on the deal could be pretty close. The star players can hold out money wise, but I think everyone else will want to get paid soon. This whole thing is a damn mess, and I just want it to end already. -_-
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/05/sports/basketball/hard-line-factions-threaten-latest-nba-negotiations.html?_r=1&ref=sports While I think those rogue players can be rallied back in, those owners are the ones mucking everything up. MJ is SUCH a hypocrite here...he tells Abe Pollin in '98 that if he can't make a profit, he should sell his team, but when he's an owner he goes and does this? SMH. -_-
  20. How dare you slam The Fugitive! It's a classic. Billy Crystal was first asked to play Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, but he turned it down. I can't imagine him playing Buzz.
  21. Can't really put these in order, but here ya go. League of Legends Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Final Fantasy VI Pokemon: Yellow World of Warcraft Assassins Creed II Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Super Smash Bros. Melee Tekken Tag Tournament Final Fantasy X
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