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Mike Hawk

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Everything posted by Mike Hawk

  1. Yes let it go into a depression. If you are freefalling then you are freefalling, minor fixes will not really help you. All these bailout packages have not helped us really things are not improving. If it takes the country to go into depression in order for people to learn their lesson then it is a necessary course of action. Can you justify punishing Ford then By giving GM a bailout because I sure cant.
  2. Plus if he has people to answer to. I would have appreciated him saying that in his election run and being more realistic. The way I see Obama is, he is a guy who means to do good but he is not qualified enough to actually do good. I rather have someone who treats me like an Ahole but is after my best interests. Than someone who sports a fake smile and attitude but is putting a fork in your back. Some people need to face reality here.
  3. Well then let it go into a depression if thats what it takes. You cant expect to bail these people out for their mistakes continously it will just not work. Instead of spending 1 trillion on a bill, send a check to each person in the USA for 1 Million dollars I am sure they would appreciate it. These numbers we are talking about are not small. If you fail a final miserably in a college course, you do not get to retake that final instead you have to retake that course again and build your knowledge from the ground up. Thats exactly what some of these companies need to do, we cannot continously have a country who makes no profit. It will not survive.
  4. But Brandon those were his selling points. It would be like you saying, I am confident I will resseruct OTR again after we were hacked. Now if you didnt do it, a lot of people would dislike you. and I am the biggest anti-Bailout guy. All those bailouts were worthless to me. If a company makes a decesion and fails, then let it fail. NO point in trying to revive it. I dont see people who invested into the stock market, getting any bailouts the ones who lost all their hard earned retirement money and their life savings. I agree the CEOs where corrupt, but what happens now when you tax them even more, there will be more greed and corruption. Obama is approaching this the wrong way, he needs to get to the bottom of the core of the problem and that is to let these companies to fail who made the wrong moves. Just look at GM Compared to Ford, I own a GM car by the way, and I wanted them to fail. Now look at Ford they took no government money, instead they battled the storm through their saved reserves. It is companies like Ford who are being punished by these bailouts the most, and as long as that is going on the country will not show signs of improving. The bailouts need to stop.
  5. Well one of Obamas selling points I thought was that he would get out of Iraq right when he took office? I still dont know what we are doing over there. However, I can tell you that that selling point was highly and grossly misscalculated. Anyone with little war experience knows that this man was not saying the truth. You cant just pick up your things and pack in the timeframe he was proposing. But we are still in Iraq, Guantanomo is still open I dont know, have any of his selling points came true? Also you have to realize with the tax thing. Yes the rich people will complain if they get taxed more. But do you know that that also means. That if I am a CEO running a company, I am having to pay higher taxes for workers, medical expenses and what not, I will not be hiring workers, and I will not be stimulating the economy. The CEO's are in the business to make a profit. A profitless business cannot survive, and if you tax the CEOs they will quickly lay people off and that is whats exactly happening now.
  6. I agree with you Brandon, that it does not Measure up. But the times right now are not easy for the laborers or the business people and Obama is not doing much to correct that. He needs to focus on the economy and start doing it now. The Unemployment Rate is currently 9.7%? http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=usunemployment&met=unemployment_rate&tdim=true&q=unemployment+rate It was never 9.7 when Bush was in office. You can only blame the other guy for so long, before the story gets old quick. Just look at what the Unemployment rate has done since Obamas Presidential Victory. It looks like 2 me that Obama is 2 busy focusing on being a celeberity attending sports games and trying to act. When the Unemployment rate drops back to 6% then you can say this man is doing right, until then you cant because at this point he is unproven in the white house. He has a lot of good talk but no action. Having just acquired my Bachelors in June, it seems that no one is hiring right now if they are its completely something out on left field that has nothing to do with your degree. Sometimes I feel like doing a manual labor job, but I am 2 overqualified to do it. No one is saying your dad is a slacker, I dont think anyone was trying 2. But in this country the paper proves what you are worth, I wish I could tell you differently. Heck consider a trader who has been traiding stocks for 10 years and say he doesnt have a degree. Now consider someone who has a degree but no experience. The Company will always hire the guy with the degree and will look past the experience. I do not know why this is, maybe someone else could explain it to me.
  7. Here I will break this Real Deals Way: Iverson=0 Rings. End of Discussion. He runied the pistons, and the nuggets improved when he got traded. What should that tell you?
  8. Its a pretty serious question. Iverson is a ballhog and not a team player. Raja Bell is a more team player than AI anyday. AI is all about him. Look at me I can score 30 points while takeing 70 shots, thats not really impressive to me. Thats why he has never won anything. Look at how much better Denver got once he left.
  9. LOL, u still owe me like 4 PTS, get to workin.

  10. LOL I got it wrong 2. The question asks about the source of the nile which was the longest rivver. So apperently they knew about the Nile, but were Looking for the source. FML.
  11. Everyones Seems to be working for me.
  12. Well its not like you can easily tell. They all got short hair and look like Dykes.
  13. I see some and some arent showing up. Maybe the people who uploaded their sig from their com file are showing up. Mostly whoever is hostin git somewhere else doesnt show up.
  14. LMAO, but LeBron got a Smaller PEEEENESSS. So who is more marketable now?
  15. Aight I will give yo umy max for tonight.

  16. Sure, You guys know I dont dissapoint.
  17. "Before Sir Richard Burton attempted to discover the source of the Nile, what as the longest river?"
  18. I wanana Go Deep Inside Her, Anyone else wanna join?
  19. Well Name me Legit 7 Foot Centers, Who can stop Dwight Right now?
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