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Mike Hawk

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Everything posted by Mike Hawk

  1. You know the drill. Post in here when you achieve legendary post count marks.
  2. I would nail her just for the accent.
  3. What he must be gay? I like the curtains on her though.
  4. http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00535/Jodie_Marsh_535660a.jpg Damn!!.
  5. In Before the LOCK. Topic already exists.
  6. Just like the topic says. State your favorite moments and you can give an introduction as well. Well my love for OTR began before OTR was even here. First there was that other site, and I would always bash the sonics in there because I did not like the management. However the mods on that other site did not like this, So I didnt care but continued doing it. Then Brandon would always defend me on that other site cough cough which doesnt exist anymore. And then I found out that Brandon had created his own form and I had to join. Lets just say I am a veteran here. As far as my favorite moments: Lakers Suns Playoffs The WallaceFan Drama, What happened to her??? Anything involving Slaven.
  7. Who do you give up though is the question 23M is not a small salary. Maybe the Knicks will offer you their Captain Jerome James and Malik Rose.
  8. It will not make them the best team in the East. To be honest I am really not feeling this Shaq Trade. Cavs fan better hope this works out, because if it doesnt LeBron is leaving for sure.
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