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SRT Spidey

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Everything posted by SRT Spidey

  1. what a crazy game, love the effort in the 2nd half and KG is one sexy bastard tonight hes saving our asses. We got this.
  2. danny really [expletive]ed up this team leaving us with this bench...they just look pathetic whenever their on the floor imo. Allen with 3 early fouls..not good.
  3. why the hell are teh Grizz so good? And why is Z-Bo all of a sudden god? What a crazy NBA season man..
  4. right but 1 in 25+ years. While the lakers have what..5? Not even reffering to my team though i would be happy if a team like OKC or DAL or even CHI if i had to really cheer for them..ANYONE but the Lakers. But hey i am a Celtics fan of course i feel that way.
  5. Regardless of the outcome I am still thankful to have this team and to have atleast watched a banner raising after watching these guys as a kid i thought they would never win when my heroes were ricky Davis an Walter mcarty .. This may be the last run for this big 3 but it was a great one . If we can still win these two back home we can this make this a series but it looks clear ATM who the Better team is.. Reminds of the 08 celtics taking the throne from the pistons and now the heat are looking to do the same to us
  6. 360 owners...god . Ps3s online had been working flawlessy since it started and this is the first time it's [expletive]ed up to my knowledge and it's FREE. I would rather this happen than have to replace my system because it keeps breaking . This just gives 360 fans another reason to keep being annoying like LOlz ps3 sux!1!!
  7. Sad thing really. Still take my ps3 online that I don't pay for over 360 and the hack thing really is annoying but hey what are ya gonna do..
  8. Oh how sweep it is.. onto Miami for a epic series
  9. I was simply addressing that most people had the celtics getting upset in the first round and will quiet that with a 4-0 sweep before the bulls , heat ,lakers, spurs etc who are considerably better than their first round opponents Imo
  10. Glen Davis is doing suprosingly well this game which is what we need because the bench is just straight up lol lately
  11. Hobbled because billups isn't playing? The Knicks are a much better squad than Indiana and philadelphia but i don't see those teams blowing them out every game.. Keep on hatin bro can't wait to see u guys next round
  12. If we are the first team to advance out of the first round that's a straight up F U to the haters who were saying we were the most likely to get upset in round 1. Let's get it celtics
  13. SMFH i can only hope for another godly turnaround in the playoffs just like last season which i dont see happening seeing how improved the east is this year with Chicago and Miami..sad year for the Boston fan so far.
  14. SMH at this whole season so far.. One a side note always a good day when the Celts win and the Lakers lose their gain on the number one seed in the west
  15. all a matter of preference son.
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