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Everything posted by HipHopHead

  1. lol @ taking that way too literal. Well, I feel the same way about Josh Johnson not starting the ASG.
  2. Basically, yes. I certainly haven't done that in this thread, if that's what you're indicating.
  3. you seem pretty determined to teach me a lesson, but whatever makes you feel better bud.
  4. I could care less if people respond to my posts lol. I didn't respond to any body in this thread or "attempte to belittle their opinion", that would be you my friend. ^_^
  5. not sure what rap you listen to...everything is well in the hip-hop world
  6. Then feel free to not answer my posts, lol. It's obvious YOU do care or you wouldn't feel the need to try and "teach me a lesson" on the internet...
  7. Then why do people respond to my posts?
  8. Liking something =/= Quality of music, movie, etc I feel like I've explained that too many times though.
  9. [expletive]ty, Disney Channel sounding guitar riffs and Mr. Hudson style voice inflection with [expletive]ty lyrics? Yeah.
  10. I never said I didn't intend to see the movie EVER (for free) but rather that I'm not going to waste $10.50 on it, lol. It's perfectly clear logic...
  11. [expletive]ing about a girl, guitar riffs, etc etc
  12. Regardless, I'm still playing 2K10 - franchise is still legit.
  13. I'm starting to think you are the one trolling, actually.
  14. I'm sorry but that post makes no sense, lol. Feel free to re-explain it, I just don't get it. And I'm not sure how you can dispute that the Nets have a better cast right now AND for the future over the Cav's, the Knicks are a different story though. My gut feeling he will say but none of us know right now for sure or why he'll go where ever he goes.
  15. Not everyone bases their choices of city on where they can be with friends and family in the age of G5 jets, eh?
  16. You weren't? You seemed to mention New York, Chicago and Miami in comparison to Cleveland...
  17. Why would I waste my $10.50 on a [expletive]ty move? I'm not sure if you know how RT works but it's not just one critics opinion, it's HUNDREDS of them combined into one scale...
  18. I even think Lebron will stay in Cleveland but please let's not compare cities...CLE is a [expletive] hole.
  19. i finally managed to get through this track, it sounds like the jonas brothers mixed with mr.hudson and 808's.
  20. You just seem mad that you lost the argument, anyways happy fourth.
  21. I have a feeling most people who post on here are teenagers, so technically they don't HAVE to be employed as an adult would.
  22. http://realestate.yahoo.com/promo/americas-most-miserable-cities-2010 http://www.walletpop.com/specials/americas-worst-cities/ Good [expletive]ing joke dude, making such a claim without visiting every city in the world is invalid as [expletive].
  23. Yes, that's what I said lol. I doubt they are even released within a week of each other - not that any one gives a [expletive] about Big Sean or Consequence.
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