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Everything posted by HipHopHead

  1. Nets would have to take some contracts on for this to happen.
  2. But the thing is, I WAS trolling in that thread. I'm not here because I'd actually like to help a few people, whether people choose to listen is up to then. It's not credible? Are you stupid? Look at my first post in this thread and read that book before you say something as idiotic as that. The author has his Ph. D, more credentials than you have LOL. It's MOST healthy to lose .5 per week. Just as you become fat slowly, over years you must lose fat slowly as well. When you remain at a particular level of fat for over a year or two, the body develops all the adipose cells, capillaries, enzyme counts, peripheral nerves, hormone and connective tissue to support it. It comes to recognize that level of fat as self and will defend it vigorously, that is your fat point. It's monitored by hormonal messengers like glycerol which warn the brain if even a single ounce of fat is used as fuel. So the usual form of dieting (including 20+ pounds in a month, ridiculous) can't possibly work. It will slow your metabolism, increase the fat storage and increase your appetite. After studies at the Colgan Institute, it's been proven that the most a person can reduce their food intake to reset the fatpoint is 10% per day. Any more than .5 pounds of fat loss per week is a warning that you are reducing too much. It's a slow process but the reward is a great, healthy body. Likely if you're losing 20+ pounds a month you are losing A LOT of muscle too, people don't get that. It will give you hell in the future but if you're looking for the quick fix (as most Americans are) go with your 20+ pound per month losses LOL.
  3. http://stronglifts.com/gomad-milk-squats-gallon-gain-weight/
  4. I can't tell if you're trolling or just stupid. Read the post below for reasoning. then talk to me.
  5. It's called consumerism, Americans are stupid and buy into every marketing gimic.
  6. I believe you are the one in fact trolling.
  7. [expletive] Royce using recycled rhymes, for the second time. Dude doesn't learn his lesson.
  8. QFT. I think the non-DJ versions of their past two mixtapes are available somewhere.
  9. I'm sure everyone on here is ready for me to write off this album as another failure, but I'm not going to? Do I love the album? No. Do I hate it? No. I feel indifference for Recovery which I guess is better than feeling nothing towards it, right? Of course every song isn't good (Not Afraid, W.T.P, and the Pink track [expletive]ing suck) and no song is a classic but there are good signs of life from Em that we haven't seen since The Eminem Show. People were quick to hate on the features, but I kept my month shut till I actually heard the first song. That happened to be Won't Back Down. I listened 10 seconds into it and exited out. But going through the album the features seems to fit (anyone else think Rihanna and Kobe did an excellent job), including the Lil Wayne verse. Good album, not great but some songs will definitely be in my rotation and some will be deleted from my iTunes. Overall, I'd give it an 8 out of 10. Probably the 4th best hip-hop album I've listened to this year. And how long will it be for people to finally admit Relapse was [expletive]ing trash? Em admitted it about 5 times on this album.
  10. Well I don't, if your opinion doesn't coincide with mine then I could care less what you think on a topic that I have more knowledge on.
  11. What's your point? lol, I could care less what you think. Okay...again I don't care lol. This album is better than both of those, Distant Relatives was a bit above average after a few spins and RPM was good but no where near as great as it was hyped up to be. ....? It's not about lyrics dude, it's about good hip-hop with knocking beats.
  12. [expletive]ty rapper but I can smoke out to some of his [expletive].
  13. he has a line like that in every song lol.
  14. You all can call me a hater but I find this song extremilly annoying.
  15. No, you must have a problem learning one language though. I only speak English, for the record.
  16. Yes, better than Distant Relatives. Yes, better than the Reflection Eternal album. Yes, better than Eminem's album (hey, some people seem to think it's a great album after listening to one song!). I usually won't go out on a limb and actually post a thread about hip-hop on this site but this album deserves it, no doubt. lol @ the common and kanye disses. http://cdn.2dopeboyz.com/m.php/2010/04/20100421-PACKFM.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wmK1MdaTVc
  17. I actually expected this album to be at least half way musically listen-able but it's [expletive]ing woeful. Features are bad, very bad. Production is average, at best. We all know Drake isn't a good rapper, and if you still hold onto that then you've lost touch with reality.
  18. He should work on his defense first, as well as his low post game.
  19. This was [expletive]ing awful but I'm not really surprised - his Relapse [expletive] was better than this.
  20. You should only be losing about .5 pounds per week, if you want a healthy loss.
  21. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51KMFW1YMVL._SL500_AA300_.jpg Read, study, worship like the [expletive]ing bible that it is.
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