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Everything posted by HipHopHead

  1. taylor gang or die. so do you guys think the habs will get the next game or nah?
  2. taylor ganggggg, paper plainnnnns.
  3. Pretty sure signups were there when I signed up, lol. When you make such a claim you should have proof to back it, clearly you don't. Show me where I'm getting slapped around when I'm actually acting serious in a sports debate.
  4. Were in a Montreal Canadians thread, correct? Regardless, it's my opinion and you aren't obligated to respond or criticize it.
  5. 1. There's a sim league on this site, isn't there? 2. No, I'm not actually but if believing I am makes you sleep at night then I'm happy for you. 3. Championships. 4. lol.
  6. this site does have a sim league, right? They are? I'd like proof of that. How exactly did I get "slapped" around here? I stated my opinion on the Philadelphia fanbase, nothing more. Get your head out of your [expletive].
  7. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/11785-the-roots-dear-god-20/ :faceplam:
  8. Most of my posts are in topics other than sports, learn up. How exactly am I trolling here? I said my opinion on the Philadelphia fanbase. I didn't take that argument seriously, I do think Ovechkin is a better player but that's beyond the point. Championships. That's all that matters. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
  9. I didn't stalk any post, I just saw yours. Not sure how that makes me a dumbass, dumbass.
  10. If you actually thought I was serious in such an argument between Crosby and Ovechkin then you clearly have lost touch with reality. What do the Marlins have anything to do with this argument? The fact is you didn't read (or care to acknowledge at least) my earlier post on this exact subject. You do realize I could care less about professional sports, right? The Marlins are an overall better franchise than the Phillies so such a comment on their fan base doesn't really bother me.
  11. You're an idiot, not surprising you're a Philadelphia fan.
  12. I'll download it illegally, just because Kanye's a [expletive].
  13. you got me! how'd you know what i was thinking over the internet!? omg.
  14. lol you act as if i didnt troll on every post in this thread from the start...
  15. you don't have any ownership or control over the heat so why are you using the word "our"?
  16. :faceplam: well anyways, i don't see the combine meaning much tbh - just as it isn't in football.
  17. :faceplam: i thought someone would catch on by now.
  18. http://www.google.com/ There, I did half the work now you can do the rest. Just trying to help out!
  19. nope, whoever made this thread is an idiot. happens between the cold war and now from what i've heard.
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