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Everything posted by HipHopHead

  1. Where exactly was I not kidding? lol. though i like lil wayne in some situations i don't think he's a particularly good lyricist but denying his talent is just ludicrous. b.o.b is average or worse (eespecially rapping) at all of those things. i do enjoy some of his songs and his originality .
  2. says the guy who posts B.o.B... obviously if you couldn't detect sarcasm in any of my posts then i've lost hope. people take [expletive] too seriously on the internet. if you're going to act like an elitist go to a hip-hop forum.
  3. relax dude, it's just my opinion. you don't need to wig out man.
  4. lol budden runs his mouth like crazy, don't take anything that guy says seriously.
  5. lmao, i can't believe you got trolled that easily. relapse is [expletive] dude, get real.
  6. eminem is garbage dude, he's has like one good album and the rest have been horrible. wayne has had 4 classics at least and tons of amazing mixtapes. ice cube is a nobody, never even heard of him.
  7. lol, those freestyles were absolute [expletive] compared to any legitimate free styler. Relapse was a pretty mediocre album, saying otherwise is just ridiculous.
  8. He raps about his life, just like Cudi raps about his life. Just because you can't relate to his lyrics doesn't mean others can't. edit, lmao eminem is the only one who is close the others are just garbage new comers that have too much hype.
  9. and if you are going to talk trash then you can leave. he's better than any music you've posted on this site.
  10. dude get out of here, this thread is about lil wayne being a good artists. if you don't like him you can leave.
  11. he's the most inspiring artist in the past 20 years lmao, duh. that's what he's living dude, he's gettin money, [expletive]es and all that. just because you can't relate doesn't mean it's bad.
  12. lil wayne is hip-hop, him and eminem are the only ones making real hits nowadays.
  13. because theres any indication that this track will be good or bad...
  14. lol what are you talking about? no [expletive] the beefs been dead, considering royce defended eminem on that canibus diss (which by the way is pathetic, canibus [expletive]s on anyone in slaughterhouse). i'd be willing to bet that no royce or slaughterhouse or royce features will be on this album.
  15. yeah because slaughterhouse, especially royce, is going to be on an eminem album...idiot. and dre is [expletive] at rapping, pretty sure he displayed that on the feature from relapse...
  16. I don't get why people diss on him, he's one of the giants in hip-hop. living legend ffs...
  17. i'm tryin to kick the [expletive] you need to learn yo you're all listening to either, the [expletive] that makes yer souls burn slow.
  18. Well the fact is, I don't care about any of your opinions because you're all pretty ignorant. But some say ignorance is blisss...
  19. :facepalm: their both mediocre.
  20. lol at the Stan's grubbing on Eminem's dick. he's fallen the [expletive] off, learn real hip-hop.
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