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Everything posted by moeroadkill

  1. [expletive] dam its already nice to see we in the lead
  2. pentax k200d thanks for all your votes
  3. just look at the 2k adds i know they are just adds but id bet they play the game/s
  4. more of a hobby, photography is really competitive and doesn't pay well
  5. becoming a good finish, holiday with a massive three to tie it then roy his a baby hook shot and his been cold all night
  6. haha yeah this was on our new ages ago, pretty funny. im still a believer though wear it when i workout/sports
  7. might seem pretty random but yea.. just need some of your opinions, which one appeals to you more? http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/9655/orange2d.jpg http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/5308/orange3v.jpg
  8. we have really really bad floods in Australia if you haven't heard yet... idk i went to a Catholic school and even though i was young (primary school) i never really believed any of the stuff being said but some of it was pretty interesting and makes you wonder
  9. WANT A FREE PLAYSTATION 3?!? http://www.landoverbaptist.net/PS3.htm massive scam
  10. but at the same time at least nuggets can get some value back imo the whole melo deals looks worse than what it really is because of the GM's, the trade talk is very public and would be causing issues with other teammates. melo has been pretty quite about it he still plays hard every night (from what i watch) idk, i dont have that much of a problem with melo
  11. mavs i would put butler in there too but his injured now so maybe thats why you didnt have him down i think pistons should be mcgrady unless im reading it wrong, but ibaka doesn't start for thunder and i agree with Sun Tzu
  12. yea last year everyone who played online would complain about that, kinda a sketchy tactic people would use. ill try use the control stick and see what happens
  13. i use b, but when I use the stick it the player always jumps left or right
  14. can you take a [expletive]ing charge in this game? a legit one? so dumb every time they will be on the fast break, i get position etc, etc perfectly and its always a blocking foul so annoying
  15. its November/January this is when he goes off
  16. wooow at this statistic with 15 or more turnovers the thunder are 10-3 with 14 or less turnovers the thunder are 14-10
  17. iv never seen a player get fouled so much on a jumpshot like harden dose
  18. http://blog.80millionmoviesfree.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Despicable_me_2010.jpg i loved this movie, thought it was great the little yellow guys really make the movie but i woulda liked some more villains or something, idk i thought something was missing but still a good movie 7.5/10
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