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Hawks Fly High

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Everything posted by Hawks Fly High

  1. HIV was one of many examples. I could go on with examples and you could keep responding with videos and pictures. When i first took World History the first thing my teacher told me was: This year we are going to learn how the white man ruined the world. I learned just that. I dont want to downplay their role in this society but they deserve no special privilege, they have done nothing to merit it. You talk about how great Europe is, but their economoy isnt looking to great now, guess lax work hours and extra benefits dont always come thorugh. Time to face that economic giants like India and China are taking over the world. On the topic of Europes effect of Africa, yes I watched the video, but the reason the nations are so backwards because Europe crippled them and became their cane. Africa was used and when the Europeans got up one day and left they fell and can't get up. The people weren't educated/self-sufficient and therefore could not survive on their own. Africa is one continent i mention, lets not forget how Europe went to South America for gold, spread disease and destroyed great Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilizations. Also how they destroyed practically the whole Native American population in North America making them almost an endangered species. And into Asia they plundered the Indian subcontinet, China, and Southeast Asia, all for one thing. $$$$$$. Its what drives them. But we all know who is having the last laugh.
  2. Well thanks for responding to my response. But let us all recollect what a couple of savage Mongols did to the High and Mighty Roman Empire. "The greatest Empire of all time" hahahaha U mad?
  3. It may have ORGINATED there but it was spread accross the world by 2 Gay French Pilots doing people around the world. Africans were a little behind, but there is always room for catch up, but by enslaving them the Europeans made it illegal for them to become literate which obviously stunts their growth. European colonization lowered the standard of life in Africa overall and many heinous crimes were performed on them. King Leopald of Belgium being one of the many that his own government found it disgusting and made it stop. South Africa= infant nation which needs to grow. The US in its infant stage was a pretty crappy nation and oftened reffered to as the Disunited States of America. Also, you being a soccer fan should have seen how successful the World Cup was in South Africa. And if we are taking about crappy nations lets not mention the Communist one in the right of Europe and its many smaller [expletive] nations.
  4. Don't forget spread the most diseases, including HIV. Oh, and also decimating populations in pursuit of greed because Imperialism. Also, about colonizing in the process of colonizng Europeans also destroyed many cultures and practically enslaved a whole continet. They are probably also at fault for stunting the growth of Africa and the reason they are called "The Dark Continent". Also inadvertedly starting both the World Wars and causing the deaths of many. Yay for Europeans!
  5. Wow. We have barely cracked 30 in New Jersey for the past few days.
  6. hahahah! He would be in the negative thousands.
  7. Lol what an idiot. Gotta love his sense of humor though, hate the fact that they fined and benched him though.
  8. Gallinari has a much higher celing than Fields though IMO
  9. +/- is a very innacurate stat and misleading. Wasn't varejao the best +/- player last year anyway?
  10. Today my principal was talking on the loudspeaker and said, Because of that 4th quarter collapse I now call this day Hug a Giants Fan day. I dont really watch football but i found it hilarious.
  11. Offensively I think that they are great. Any one of them can have an off night and it would be okay. Defensively they got worse, a lot worse. Dwight has his work cut out for him.
  12. Pretty sure you can watch it on atdhe.net. They dont show Lakers games on the local sports channel in Cali?
  13. Kirk Hinrich, Nick Young, and Andray Blatche almost became the Wade,Lebron, and Bosh stoppers.
  14. LMAO insert the name Bosh there instead of Kevin Durant and all of that still holds true
  15. I feel like Shaq would give a lot of immediate success, but in 5-6 years his effect would be reduced greatly where he could no longer be the #1 option on a team. Kobe would have some trouble in the start, but has soon as he hit the top its probably going to be really hard to bring him down as seen by recent Nba seasons. If Kobe is just provided a solid big man he can reap the benefits with many, many championships.
  16. So now they have Nelson, Arenas, J-Rich, and Hedo. Who goes to the bench??
  17. He expires after this year and a real contender should sign him, he still has more to give.
  18. Phoenix just lost their best offensive threat not named Steve Nash to take a washed up Vince, another 3 point shooter and a much needed big man. Great deal for Orlando though.
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