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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. At least Tolliver was man enough to challenge him.
  2. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2592/3773805475_2fe1cc18ed.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2wH_3CPeAy4/SrZPO4FAd1I/AAAAAAAAAsw/w0j3taSHl0o/s400/dragonair-005s.jpg
  3. Does anybody care? He hasn't contributed to anything the past 2 years.
  4. I can't take Avery Johnson's ridiculous voice. Next!
  5. http://www.gossipgamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Jessica-Nigri-Pikachu.jpg
  6. http://lowposts.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/chris-childs-auto.jpg Chris Childs
  7. Haha. Sort of following in the steps of George Hill.
  8. Oh man, knowing this, I finally have the confidence to reveal the truth, as well.
  9. Agreed. I was caught up in the hype and purchased it only to sell it 3 days later.
  10. I'm surprised more people don't come to this site. The graphics alone are a great attraction.
  11. I haven't played 12, and even though it seems to have solid reviews, many players were apparently dissatisfied with it. If I don't buy it now, I'll definitely purchase 13 when the price goes down.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qBFNaA7u1E
  13. Roddy is showing exactly why he needs to be in the rotation.
  14. I can't decide if I should pick this up or not. The fact that it hasn't lived up to its hype really put me off. How would you compare this game to the other Final Fantasy games you've played?
  15. OKC is a scary team. None of the top seeds are going to want a piece of them in the first round.
  16. It's a good decision. The show hasn't been great since season five, and there's no point in sinking it any lower. A movie that wraps about the awesome Jack Bauer is perfect idea, as well. I wonder if they'll kill him off in his final heroic act. Seems like a good ending to me.
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