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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. wanting a free agent = calling for the head of your franchise player who brought you a ring? stop.. knicks fans wanted lebron in the worst, yes, but I dont remember a ewing witchhunt, and he never won a thing
  2. Kerry Wood is the [expletive]ing man. Had a blast rooting for him his year in pinstripes.
  3. A guy at my work came up today and said he heard the Heat were going to trade Wade to the Knicks for Melo. I actually couldn't come up with any words.
  4. Posted that in the Rangers thread already..
  5. Look at Shaloq tryin to jack my swag
  6. What does ass-to-mouth have to do with anything right now? Have some respect
  7. Nah he played for New Brunswick and I played for Newark, but we grew up together.. little league, AAU, high school, etc.. always playing together or against each other. He's a cool dude, still pops in the deli all the time in the offseason, told me a few stories about Votto lol
  8. LOVE the shit out of John Mayer. His live shows are ridiculous.. he'll play a song, jam for 15 minutes on the guitar, and segway that right into the next song on his setlist.. it is such a great time. New album sounds good, too. Forgot to say, I went to the RHCP concert last Friday.. I was sick as a dog, so that sucked, but the show was amazing anyway!
  9. Yeah, and it's been humid as balls and rainy. Never good for ice.
  10. Yeah but you play pickup basketball, you'd rather leave with a W than your dignity? Come on son
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