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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Yeah he's awesome, I've seen him live 3 times. Was listening to Room for Squares just yesterday
  2. My boy Fraz went big yaya twice last night eh?
  3. the stance you're taking is [expletive], but at least you're entertained
  4. I smell [expletive], is that you Chosen?? Same as Andre Miller got for running into Blale Gryffin. Sidenote -- I love how you threw "potentially fatal" in there, when just a bit ago you were describing a "potentially fatal" lowering of the shoulder. LOL.
  5. It's a bad call because it was a ball and he called it a strike
  6. As bad as I want to make it seem? Have I made it seem a certain way? That was my first post on the subject. Bottom line: it was a ball.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f9q4u4cdbs
  8. http://i.imgur.com/cjMib.jpg Ball don't lie
  9. Smell like a buncha [expletive] to me! So is the only criteria a lowered shoulder? Forearm shivers don't count? Look at how mad you are getting.. Chosen school of officiating: -11 pounds, "lowers shoulder" while committing foul after a turnover. Verdict: DIRTY!! http://i.imgur.com/8dIPV.png +60 pounds, "extends elbow through hit" while committing foul after a non-call on offense. Verdict: NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!! http://i.imgur.com/6u5Ol.png
  10. YOU ARE DUMB FOR NOT EMBELLISHING. FLOPPING > DUMMIE COLLISON True, Smith, who gives up 11 pounds, lowered his shoulder while running into Griffin.. while Wade, who holds a 60 pound advantage over Collison, threw a forearm shiver.. lol
  11. Oh he definitely turned at the last second, and that's what made the hit so bad. He turned his head towards the boards and so when he was hit, his face took a brunt of the contact. Not saying he did it on purpose or anything, but if definitely changes the complex of the hit and the intention.
  12. Anyone else been following this situation? The NBAPA is arguing that a player who is waived and does not negotiate a new contract, but rather is claimed and continues with his old contract, should be treated the same as a player who is traded and retains their bird rights. This would allow the Knicks to re-sign both Lin and Novak to max allowable length contracts for players of their tenure in the league, and would open up the ability to sign other players with their MLE and mini-MLE. It would allow us to chase Felton/Hinrich/Kidd/Miller/Dragic etc as well as some other bench pieces.. to be quite honest, most of the Knicks success next year can ride on the outcome of this. Billy Hunter: Anyone have any opinions on whether the twosome should retain their Bird Rights?
  13. This was seriously [expletive]ing AWESOME! We don't even get to see stuff like this down here
  14. Easy: Collison didn't get paralyzed like Blale did
  15. That's all media crap. Jets are loud and brash, which grabs headlines.
  16. Well, it's tough to really keep a tally.. but there are the "old" teams, and there are the "new" teams.. the Giants/Knicks/Rangers/Yankees have been around a lot longer than the Mets/Jets/Nets/Devils, so their fanbase tends to run a little deeper.. hard to say what the split is really at, but I think the OG teams have bigger fanbases
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