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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. >july 2012 http://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeozanian/2012/10/17/the-forbes-fab-40-the-worlds-most-valuable-sports-brands-4/ >october 2012 >yankees first
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-united/8806259/Manchester-United-overtaken-by-New-York-Yankees-as-worlds-most-valuable-sports-brand-in-Forbes-list.html Whoops, sidenote, where's my $100?
  3. LeBron was going to join but heard you backed out of a sig bet
  4. lololol Rejected, left, came back and rejected again. I'd be mad too. Work on your grammar, content, and social skills and try again in a few months.
  5. Yes, he's in his 9th game back. They also don't know when he'll regain form, it might not be until next year. At that point, Amar'e's another year older, the vets are all another year older, we didn't make a full run this year, and we're a year closer to blowing the thing up and starting fresh. That is their thinking. If Shumpert isn't the focal point of a rebuild when Melo/Amar'e/whoever is up, why not improve the team for the now? If you think Shumpert is a top 10 player in the league at any point, I'm sorry, but you're on crazy pills. 20/5/5 with amazing defense.. I just haven't seen anything to suggest he's a top 10 player at any juncture moving forward.
  6. You format the shit out of half your posts, there's no way you're too lazy to click an eraser button.. it's ok if you didn't know about it
  7. Nashty put your sig on you big {()} http://i.imgur.com/rMiA8OD.png
  8. Yeah, it was definitely ugly. I'd say it could have been the ugliest the Knicks played all year. Melo looked hurt or exhausted, but still wouldn't [expletive]ing give the ball up. HATE watching him when he's in that mode, and Woody refused to open the rotation up. All-star break better be good to us, rest up fellas.
  9. cut the lead to 3? lets make a completely egregious call on a failed alley oop
  10. First game since the Houston blowout that I've turned off
  11. Because we're win-now and Shumpert still isn't moving laterally like he should be. He looks hesitant on the knee. He really isn't bringing much of what he brought to the team last year. I wouldn't trade him.. but those are the reasons the talks are out there. And Jared Dudley is a pretty fantastic role player.
  12. Can't wait to see him in Twitter? Did I have a stroke when I wrote that? Can't wait to see him in May. He's definitely funny on O&A, the dude is just hilarious.
  13. ^ I bet more people cared about his chiding that guy on twitter than you chiding him in the random thread. Bill Burr is [expletive]ing hilarious, I can't wait to see him in Twitter. His podcast >>>>
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