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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. His job to make it work. Amar'e is a max player, they'll have to co-exist.
  2. Just kicked off the first sim of 2031. Houston Astros are available. http://mlbfantasygm.com/images/stories29.jpg
  3. Can anyone tell me where they recognize this beat from? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTEHweeE8sc
  4. Yup, he looks healthy and focused. Him + D'Antoni + Amar'e + Lin was always the problem, I still really wish to see how they all work with just D'Antoni taken out.
  5. One game for Carkner. Zero games for Phillips. Three for Hagelin. For shame, Bettman.
  6. LOL Three games for Hagelin, none for Phillips.. all because Alfy got hurt? Yikes. Kreider time?
  7. We'd probably roll out Lin-Shump-Melo-Amar'e-Tyson for the most part, with Shump on Rose and Lin hidden off on Rip (which could end up just as bad, haha)
  8. So Hagelin had a hearing today (as did Carkner), but Phillips didn't.. hmmm. From what I'm hearing, too, Hags will likely get a game. Which is more than even Weber got.
  9. Jalen used comedy and satire when he mocked Skip for averaging 1.4 PPG as a senior and called him "Water Pistol Pete Jr.".. Skip got upset, that's how the whole thing started..
  10. A maggot under an electron telescope: http://i.imgur.com/VVEdx.jpg
  11. No, it's just a culmination of things. Hating on Lundqvist preseason, the Ranger related jabs you throw in general from time to time (though I know they're just to piss me off ), saying they're a lock to lose against both the 7 and 8 seeds.. There's something against them for sure. I don't think you love the Flyers, I think you hate both the Flyers and Penguins lol Let me ask though, is it just because of this Karlsson incident? Because he's a pretty stand up guy. Yeah, and it was a total bummer to lose it after the Carkner shit. Total, total bummer. I liked that Boyle was able to respond with a goal, though. I like Spezza a lot, actually. He can get his.. just as long as we win
  12. I AM BAD AT THIS And I don't think he's Matt Gilroy. I know Matt Gilroy more than I want to know Matt Gilroy. Yes. He's great, I won't argue. Lots of beat writers were commenting on it leading up, added with the Melnyk comments. It means nothing to us, as I've already noted it was an overreaction. But to the Rangers, they're going to stick up for their prized possession, even if it's a few cute jabs just to show him that they have his back. Yeah, I don't have any of that background haha.. my brother was the first to introduce me to hockey, and he started watching the game on his own. I just see it as, you're a man, fight like a man, toe to toe. Sucker punches and hitting while on the ground piss me off in street fights, too. Right, just different sides of the glass. I do love debating with you though, lol.. knowledge is good to be thrown around.
  13. Ehh, punches, nudges.. same thing. Yes, that comment. I'm not saying it was warranted, and I don't think the retaliation from Carkner was warranted either.. both were above and beyond. But what looks like nothing to you and me looks like a slap coming from a rookie to an established star goalie, and his teammates who then feel compelled to do something about it, all based on how one player could have interpreted it. I hate when people talk in the press.. "He's a great goalie and we'll have to work hard to beat him this series" plays out better, doesn't it? Especially from a kid his first year in the league? I didn't think it was a big deal either, but you can bet the Rangers did. You are right, I saw it wrong. The hit was on Zack Smith. It is scummy to throw a sucker punch and then rail haymakers on the guy after he's on the ice. I want my enforcer to lay a huge hit and then say something to the guy on the ice, or square up and pound the shit out of him (Boyle can't fight, turtle or not Carkner would have wrecked him).. but I hate the blind punch and I hate the hits on the ice. No, more directed to ECN (and Check My Stats). More so ECN's hate and desire for the Sens to win. They are a completely unlikeable team and talked all week, you'd have to totally hate the Rangers or love an underdog (no matter who they are) to root for the Sens. Meh. Torts rubs everyone the wrong way, but he's exactly what this young team needs at HC (IMO).
  14. He took a shot in the jewels, he'll be fine
  15. Fair, but as a finesse rookie defenseman you also have to watch what you say about a player of the caliber of Lundqvist to the media. Absolutely some of the gameplan is centered around bodying Karlsson and throwing him off of his game, but some of the jabs stem from the jab (though minor) that he threw to the press. Anyways, the Carkner bullshit came after a clean hit, and it was scummy as shit. Total bummer to lose that game in OT after what happened early. Poor job of clearing the zone, have to hope that McDonagh is ok.. if you're enforcing the 3rd man rule you have to do a better job of getting in there on a ground and pound. They were certainly quicker to break up the 2nd Boyle scrum FWIW Boyle is one of my favorite players and is as blue collar as they come. He plays the game right/hard. Can't understand the hate the Rangers get. Is it the NY reputation? Team full of hard workers who all hit, block shots, and play scrappy hockey.. total team effort on a nightly basis. Oh well, bad loss tonight. Gotta come out firing in Ottawa.
  16. Phelps shut those Nancies down once Phil Lughes got yanked!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY2hXbNRn54
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