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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. LOL not gonna lie, this picture made me laugh.. http://moonbattery.com/george-zimmerman_trayvon-martin.jpg
  2. You would be halfway bearable if you could debate a point without acting like a 13 year old with condescending comments like these every time someone disagrees with you. It wasn't clear hyperbole, as thinking a black Twitter user should be arrested is right up your alley. Apologies for not picking up on the slight exaggeration.
  3. Good. Honestly can't tell with you.
  4. Nope, arresting retweeters and not a guy who shot and killed a child told me all I needed to know
  5. FACT. [expletive] arresting George Zimmerman, arrest the retweeters.
  6. It's the 36th pick of the 4th round, 131st overall
  7. lol that dude is not going to be alive much longer if he keeps that shit up..
  8. Where did anything published say that he stepped on his head? lol I am so confused. They are alleging that Trayvon mounted him and slammed his head into the sidewalk with his hands (and repeatedly). I hope this clears up any future confusion.
  9. A curb stomp is making someone bite a curb and stomping on the back of their head with your foot.. way different lol
  10. Easy to confirm, as George Zimmerman would have no teeth if he was curb stomped. Accusations are getting sillier.
  11. LOL Trautwig just said Amare had a bulging dick in his back
  12. Similar to the Baron injury. Can only cross fingers and hope for the best. Small lineup tonight with Lin out too. Baron - Shumpert - Fields - Melo - Chandler
  13. Alan Hahn Amare Stoudemire is out indefinitely after MRI revealed a bulging disk in his lower back. #Knicks #fb
  14. Foxface my pretty little thinggg
  15. And just to play the other side of the agenda, here are some background quotes on Zimmerman (much akin to the ABC post above against Martin): Honestly, this trial would likely be decided by whichever lawyer does the better job of presenting his case.. it seems like both sides have so much against them at this point.
  16. Kid was minding his business, walking home. Dude saw him, left his house with a pistol, followed and harassed the kid. Police (who he called, and whose job it is to actually pursue matters like this) tell him to stay home. Confrontation occurs. Zimmerman shoots and kills the kid he described to the police as a typical asshole who always gets away. I don't know what Florida laws are, but I know in certain states the aggressor/instigator in confrontations are not allowed to use self-defense. Anyone know? Would be an interesting trial to say the very least.. and I think that's what the case deserves, at minimum. A trial. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In any event, I don't really have too much of an opinion on this matter other than Zimmerman murdered the kid. Trayvon could have hit him first, honestly.. who knows. But in any event, it all brings me back to an Eminem quote (LOL): People are way too quick to pull guns/knives/weapons/whatever these days.. it's a shame.
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