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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Fantastic game from the kid. Loved his postgame quote: Always good to see a rookie able to motivate himself and perform so well against one of the best players in the league. Definitely rooting for him to become a Ben Wallace type.
  2. Uncle Jesse's layup in the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar episode was worse
  3. I used to work there.. food is soooooo good. Extra rice, no beans, double chicken, grilled veggies, guac, onion, corn, sour cream, cheese #ballin
  4. Melo is a straight bum, at least Amar'e went out there with some fire and played hard. He did his part.
  5. Seriously, I can't stand 'em.. the only dream weaver they've ever had is Jeff
  6. Also, ftr.. I am not saying Dwight absolutely will not go to the Nest. But the claim that the injury "will have no bearing" is quite simply not true.
  7. Ohhh Dreammmmmmmmmmm Weaver.. I believe you can get me through the nightttttttttt
  8. Mine arrived today, thanks again TT8! Gamertag is NomarFachix if you ever wanna play
  9. It's another injury from the shin down on a leg that kept him out previous for half the season, and it's keeping him out another three weeks. Maybe he was overcompensating for the foot and his ankle paid the price. Either way, nobody wants to trade for damaged goods, and he has to first remain healthy and prove that that's the case. Nobody's going to take this much of a crapshoot when trading a Dwight Howard. I know you want it to happen, but come on.
  10. Here you go lol http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/216595/january-21-2009/stephen-s-remix-challenge
  11. This is what I was referencing. A questionable foot on a 7 footer will definitely have more than "no bearing" on the trade situation, especially after how Yao's injured foot went down. Even if the previous injury doesn't worry them long term, they'll want to see this ankle/foot thing fully healed and see that there are no lingering affects before trading their superstar franchise player for him. 5 games between extensive time missed will have a bearing on trade talks, there is no question.
  12. Yeah, I just think McD didn't like the area of the hit, so he gave a weak push.. happens after every other play. The gloved hooks as retaliation was unnecessary and dirty, not that it's a shock at all from him.
  13. Lucic was just roid raging because his team was about to lose (again) to the Rangers and Danny Girardi embarrassed him on a hit earlier. Gloved punches after a weak push from a guy you hit from behind and drove his head into the boards with one second left in a game? Sounds like the Bruins. Stay thuggin and mean muggin.
  14. If the trade involves Brook it absolutely will
  15. Giants use the franchise tag on Weatherford
  16. Lucic living up to his scum[expletive] name http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJn6e8e1ZCo
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