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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. He definitely is, he's white and only likes blacks and africans
  2. Footballs on the beach are annoying as shit, but a fine is pushing it
  3. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Opens cash for that lefty DH
  4. When you're able to handle a debate like an adult, I'd be happy to get back into this. I read no further than this. Until then.. I'll just leave the thread with a few quotes from women (you know, the affected party): Again, the majority of those opposing this are Catholic men.. the unaffected sex. Those who have no stake in this other than to back some prehistoric ideal. Just something to think about.
  5. By making options available to women across the country regardless of religious belief or background? The members of the church are free to do whatever they please. Nobody is forcing contraceptives on them. They are just making them available, if they choose to use it.
  6. You are absolutely right that I don't, I have no idea at all what the issue is.
  7. He isn't forcing women to consume birth control, he's making it available for them if they so choose.. just like they're doing for the rest of the women across the country. There is no separation of church and state issue here, unless the availability of a choice is Obama forcing them to use birth control.
  8. Then nobody will be getting the birth control, right? So what's the issue? Something like 62% of Catholics back this thing, and that's with only a 38% backing by Catholic men. Isn't this thing going country-wide? Why should they be exempt? Birth control should be available to any woman who wants it. Here's a solid quote:
  9. I'll admit I skimmed the article, but required birth control coverage is a bad thing?
  10. I heard it was guaranteed to be between $121M and $125M, learning towards the higher numbers (lots of $124M predictions), and you can borrow $2M of future cap. Giants were sitting at a little over $124M to end the season.
  11. I'm down, and I'd prefer ESPN. Yahoo is booty.
  12. Where do you live at? I'd kill for a nice open court like that.
  13. Giants are over, but not by much. Cutting Jacobs will save almost $4.5M, which puts us safely under. Not worried about it.
  14. Role playing game? Amar'e will absolutely love playing with Lin Daddy. IsoMelo is not going to be too big a fan.
  15. Well now you're just making too much of this. I'm not being serious.
  16. Its a tiny asian dunking, I didn't even know he could touch rim
  17. Schefter tweet: "Jeremy Lin is 1st player since LeBron James in 2003 with 20+ points and 8+ assists in first two NBA starts. He's the Knicks' Victor Cruz."
  18. I don't think we'll ever ask him to be a 20-10 guy with this team.. as long as the 10 is constant. His driving and creating for others will be much more important to the team once Amar'e and Melo are back.
  19. Obviously not, you don't know basketball. Not the next Jordan, not allowed to talk about how well he's played? Got it. We have a [expletive]ing Corey Magette STAR TRACKER, but no conversation about a player who is actually playing well and leading his team to wins. Makes sense.
  20. Last year means absolutely nothing. The Knicks beat them last year, too.. twice (the Cavaliers and Bucks beat them as well). So, the one game sample size is the criteria now? Clippers better hope they don't run into Cleveland in the finals, obviously the Cavs would roll them with ease.. they won one regular season game by 7 (more than the Clips beat the Heat by!) Actually, it won't even matter.. The Clips will be bounced from the playoffs by San Antonio, Portland, Utah, Minnesota, LAL, or Denver before they even get there! On a more serious note, you claim they'll beat the Heat because they won their one regular season game this year.. But the Bulls beat the Clippers by 13. So either your "Clipz wil beet da top EAST TEAMZ yo" claim wasn't serious, or you're basing it on a hypocritical criteria. I hate the Heat more than any other team in the NBA. If anything in this thread is "hyper-homer", it's the Clippers fan proclaiming superiority over the Heat based off of one early, regular season win.
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