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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. My point was that he played a great game.
  2. But would you post Chandler's missed PnR assignments/letting Teague blow by/not helping in the paint, Melo's and-1 fouls and leaving Stevenson wide open 90% of the time, etc etc etc? Stop.
  3. Very nice \/\/. Hard fought. Amar'e continues to look great. Melo exploded.
  4. Reverse jinx: successful. Need a stop now.
  5. lol ball was kicked twice on the ground by Horford.. awful Tired of Melo's late game decisions, he hasn't won one for us in a long time. Make a better move of pass the [expletive]ing ball.
  6. D-Lo Brown and Gangrel are still not there, the show is shit.
  7. Just caught myself up on the past season, really enjoyed it. Hannah was a super dynamic character who added a lot to the season, and so was Sirko. Two characters Dexter related to on at least some level. Can't wait to see the final season.
  8. Beasts of the Southern Wild. Really, really, really enjoyed this movie. Great cinematography, strong performance from the little girl, brilliant mixture of fantasy and stark reality.. very enjoyable couple of hours. Crazy that most of the cast were on their first acting gig.
  9. Can you only see your own warning points? Is there a warning point scale that shows what points lead to what action? Also, my points say 2 but the details only lead to 1 point from BFT.
  10. Knicks shooting the lights out Amar'e is the only guy who showed up
  11. Cleared my cookies and it took me right back to the mobile site, but now the button works and brought me to the full site. Weird!
  12. Yeah, clicking the link on the bottom here: http://imgur.com/bf1rJ2p.jpg Just brings me up here: http://imgur.com/rOKjjm1.jpg The new address just has a pound sign at the end: http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/33897-happy-8th-anniversary-board-upgrade/#
  13. Awesome stuff, thanks for the upgrade. Any idea how to switch to full version on iPhone mobile? Full site option just brings you to the top of the page, and I can't wait to see the new format. Happy anniversary y'all. Good shit Real. Thanks again.
  14. Nice hard fought dub. Great game out of Amar'e.
  15. http://gifs.gifbin.com/042012/1334602684_footage_from_the_north_korean_missile_test_from_conan.gif
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