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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Cam's future is limitless. Ridiculous rookie year, crazy great.
  2. K-Mart on twitter: What ya'll think about me in a Knicks jersey this year!! Just a thought people
  3. Our photog heard Brandon Jacobs saying to Rex Ryan coming off the field: "It's time to shut up, fat boy. Jacobs told me Rex tried to come after him but said he told him, "You're talking to the wrong Giant because I'll kick your ass.
  4. Can't wait for the entire coaching staff to get the boot, 12 men penalty negates a 4th down stop and then the Jets score. It's mere incompetence. Oh, and the Giants suck. Glad I'm going to work now. -_-
  5. R. was amazing. Played the shit out of that album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQKSeeDBh1w
  6. Have fun big guy, Jacobs is gonna truck someone for you
  7. lol @ responding seriously to a foreveralone.gif.. oh Chosen, what am I going to do with you
  8. Nobody with sense would, I shrug off the idiots
  9. Meh I've been hearing too much of this whole "whoever wins is king of the city" garbage all over WFAN.. Jets need to win something first, and I don't mean a game in December.
  10. Hurmmmmmm what? Career playoff averages: 23.5 PPG | 51% FG | 9.1 RPG | 1.7 BLK
  11. The two are related to each other only in that you enjoy them both.
  12. What does gay have to do with TSO? Go listen to Shaggy and fap it to one of your hermaphrodite wildabeasts
  13. Just got back from 12th row floor seats for Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the Prudential Center. One of the greatest experiences ever. If you ever have a chance to go, do it!
  14. Balkman hasn't been embarrassing. Probably gets a deep rotation spot.
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