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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Oh well, offensive line was horrendous all night. Team just isn't all that good.
  2. I like playing with you too! You play objectives right!
  3. Not only has this already been done, but there's actually a +1 button.
  4. >turns up his Drake and Tyler the Creator
  5. That's why he's giving his opinion that it's dope
  6. This game is amazing, but I still need to learn all the maps.. I'm like a level 42 I think. K/D is still ~1.6, been tough because I got a late start and people know where to look/camp already. Definitely can't go out in the open, though, since it only takes a few bullets to kill someone. In love with this Type 95, can't wait for the ACR.
  7. I hate my fellow Yankee fans.. had a debate today with a few who thought that Nova was completely robbed of the ROY. Basically, their arguments were "he pitches in the higher pressure of the Yankees", and "Nova was 16-4". I also heard "if Nova pitched for Boston or LA he'd have won the award in a runaway". ...sigh. Hellickson started more games, pitched more innings, gave up less hits and runs, had more strikeouts, threw more pitches per start, had a lower WHIP, BAA, and ERA. Also had a better ERA+. But Nova had more wins, so there's that.
  8. want to see some pics of hot chicks? go visit spooge.in! [/everycragerpostever]
  9. Switch to MW3 "Oh, Giants are driving.. lemme switch back" Ware draw for negative yardage on 2nd and 5 Good ol Gilbride.
  10. You've had momentum, ignoramus. Terrible call on the offsides. Terrible. Nobody covers Davis, nobody covers Crabtree. Shame.
  11. Evens out the Cruz drop. Difference in the game has been an onsides kick. Crazy.
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