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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Stupid holding, stupid drop, stupid interception. Annoyed.
  2. [expletive]ing idiots. Catch the [expletive]ing ball, Cruz. You [expletive]ing fruit.
  3. Huge game here. Nicks, Baas, Manningham are all playing. Bradshaw is not. Very telling game for both teams. Which one is for real?
  4. Morrowwind is a previous elder scrolls lol
  5. Got my PS3 back today, kinda bummed it's a chunky unit and not my own, all my save data is gone Oh well, I'll be on tonight!
  6. There will be a big drop in graphics
  7. Still this.. listen to this at least once a day. Filthy song.
  8. 6 game winning streak. Awesome. Duby put in his first of the year, hopefully a moment changer for him. Everyone played great, Avery put one in too. Girardi doesn't get voted to the all-star team. Shameful.
  9. My PSN is NomarFachix, hit me up.. I'll have my PS3 back again Monday.
  10. I don't think I've ever made a truer statement in my history on OTR.
  11. Good for you, man. Was worried about ya for a second!
  12. It's like that for every game, if you're connection sucks the bullets will register later and you won't get kills.
  13. Loving the fall back arguments
  14. protector from death, perfect for cancer
  15. Yeah it was one of my usernames here.. I can't wait to play. I heard the bullet recognition is really high in this one, a few bullets with any gun will do you in.. really pumped the P90 is back lol.
  16. They shipped it out back to me yesterday. Shipment to shipment was only 6 days, not too [expletive]ing bad, Sony. Hoping it fasttracks and gets back here tomorrow, but at worst I'll have it Monday.
  17. I think we're already friends on there, but I'll be on early next week if you want to start rolling some heads
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