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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Everyone involved should be fired. Anyone who even sniffed around it. McQueerby is still on staff? How does that work? He walked in on a rape, left, and didn't say anything to anyone until the next day. THAT is the most egregious part, to me, outside of the actual rape. Penn State students acting like complete [expletive]ing assholes, rioting because Paterno was fired? Seems like a movement for movement's sake. Children were raped and molested, the guy knew about it, and still let the dude around the team for years. He didn't ensure the authorities found out. You can say he did his duty, etc etc.. but children were raped and he didn't pursue it to the fullest that he could have. Should he go to jail? Maybe, maybe not. But he absolutely could not stay on as head football coach. The game this Saturday would have been even more of a joke. PSU has gone from a highly respected university to a laughing stock overnight. I'm tired of hearing about it already.
  2. Most Anticipated =/= Best.. it can live up to the most anticipated bill by simply selling the most copies.
  3. STARE AT THIS PICTURE AND WATCH IT DISAPPEAR http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu9xnxcc4E1qew99q.jpg
  4. lol, so much for that. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/11/08/patriots-cut-albert-haynesworth/
  5. Don't you like Battlefield? That got an 80 on GiantBomb as well.
  6. LOL on MetaCritic this has a 2.2 rating from users right now.. it is getting absolutely flooded with 1's from BF3 users. I've never seen a series bother someone and make a collective group of people feel so insecure about themselves.. it's crazy.
  7. Babin's a scumbag, probably played a bit into whether or not he gets the questionable call. The Desean fumble cancels out the Forte fumble, close game. Should be a fun 2nd half.
  8. So does Yugo, but he's one of those swastika emblem kids.
  9. But who are me and Smitty gonna play with!? I'm getting Skyrim for the PC hahah
  10. Rangers wagon can still use you!
  11. Saw mad kids lined up at mine at 6. Ridiculous. Fish you getting it for PS3 or XBOX?
  12. Just ironic that you call someone corny and bump one of the corniest around.
  13. Was waiting for you to say that, I saw it too >dismisses Mac Miller as cornball >turns up Drake
  14. You misinterpreted, I made that post the day before we played (after the Canadiens jumped the Bruins in the standings) <_<
  15. I seriously laughed so hard when I watched that this morning, it reminded me of the tape Kenny Powers sent to teams in season 1 of Eastbound and Down
  16. I'd never judge you big homie, you sent me my G+ invite
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