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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Broncos took a big hit when Moreno went out, his pass protection was missed
  2. Sat Kaepernick in favor of Matt Ryan. He better show up
  3. If that is what you request.. I gotta satisfy the people
  4. I can work my magic on a sig if anyone needs it! I still wish ECN had his on..
  5. Any chance there can be a permanent ignore feature that won't show the username or the ability to read their post? Almost as though they're not here at all? Would go a long way.
  6. If they catch fire out of Melo and JR, Felton comes back effective, Shumpert is the same defender he was last year, and the snipers snipe from 3. Probably not, but fingers are crossed.
  7. I agree, love what he's brought to the team.. Savvy rebounder at the very least. Plays D. Fouls hard.
  8. http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/26445-la-clippers-at-new-jersey/page__view__findpost__p__319023 Coincidence?
  9. KILLING us. Kidd is great in a complimentary role, but can't handle big starter minutes, and Prig is just an ok 3rd stringer. We also need to see if K-Mart wants to come rumble, with both Sheed and Camby out a while. Hope JR can find his stroke again soon. We also need to get Brewer going again.
  10. Shaliq is just trolling and pretending its as an objective basketball fan. Nobody is allowed to say anything, so shut your mouth Cobb.
  11. See? Manning has a story. That's all. Nothing spectacular about his season from a QB #'s standpoint. Thanks for helping me show it! But best DL season ever takes presidence over run of the mill good QB season, shouldn't it?
  12. Watt having the best DL season in history (as an interior lineman!!), Peterson the 2nd best by a RB, and yet, Manning will still get votes. Boo.
  13. When it was written, muskets were the "arms". They weren't obsolete for almost a hundred years after, lol. Do I think they has the foresight that "arms" would be what they are today? No, I doubt it. I'm not even anti-gun (not 100%, anyway). Just silly to me that people fall back on the constitution which was written with something different in mind than what we use it to defend today. The options in the poll are also pretty shitty, but it IS dbf.
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