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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. You didn't say 7-9, you said 9-7. That is "if you were more conservative", which says that you aren't more conservative. Your prediction was 12-4. Stopped reading here.
  2. Because when you're wrong, you flip shit on other people to make yourself feel better. "Yeah, well I was closer than you would have been". Doesn't matter, because what you said was wrong. Man up to it. Say "I was wrong." Liar on both counts. It absolutely is irrelevant, especially when factoring in that you're using a skewed number. That isn't your total post history from the season, and it isn't your total Sox toting history from the season. You're trying to use posts per game as your measuring stick.. it's a 162 game season, and it's WHAT you say.. not how often you say it. If I said the Eagles were a dream team and were going 16-0 during the regular season, but I only said it once.. does it carry less weight? Do I have to say it every other day for it to count?
  3. No, you said that they'd go 12-4. You said that IF you were more conservative (which the world of OTR knows you aren't), you'd pick 9-7. They went 6-10. Not close. 6 game differential. Not a single one of them was from after the season. Re-read. wut The point is that your prediction was wrong. Your feeble defense mechanism of "closer than you would have been" doesn't work. Wrong is wrong. 19-0 is not close to 14-3 or 4-1. You hyped the Red Sox just as much as you did the Patriots. Red Sox in the world series, Pedroia getting another ring, S-T-A-C-K-E-D, Red Sox will win the division by at least 8 games (went on to lose it by 7, 15 game swing there hun), Red Sox are the Yankees' daddy for the next decade or more, raping teams and no competition, too good for the rest of the league, Boston is too good/sit down New York/ZOMG i'm so confidentz, bend over Mariano, just another walk in the park.. yeah, totally sounds like you weren't hyping the Red Sox at all. Barely hyped them at all. It is entirely irrelevant to the discussion we're having. Solve it yourself. Or, I can go dig up the rest of your posts that I left out pertaining to the Red Sox, and we can get a more accurate post per day of the season count?
  4. http://www.itsthebinomusic.com/nas-nasty-music-video/ Sickness
  5. You picked them to go 12-4. You said, and I quote: "I have them going 12-4". That is picking them to go 12-4. Well, firstly, I quoted 11 posts, not 9. I left off most of the less inflammatory ones, as they weren't needed to get the point across. You talked lots of shit in favor of the Red Sox. You said they were the Yankees' "Daddy". You definitively said the Red Sox would make the playoffs. The Red Sox missed the playoffs. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. They key word we're looking for here is "wrong". You were wrong.
  6. Ahem: You also had the Patriots at 19-0 both of the last two seasons, and both have been nothing but wrong. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/24688-red-sox-wont-make-the-playoffs/page__view__findpost__p__290030
  7. http://i55.tinypic.com/2zz21l1.jpg [expletive]ing LOL
  8. He's saying that you're using a double standard. You are blowing Gronkowski after a year and a half of success, but are saying that people can't blow Rodgers because his success has been short lived.
  9. I'm honestly at the point where I just don't care anymore.. wake me up when it's over.
  10. http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/operations-order-calculator.html
  11. I can't stomach Jets football and Brady hardly did shit for my fantasy team. Not much to discuss for me.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ3MF5PSTfw
  13. Game was lost on the two false starts in the red zone on their final two drives. Ended up with a FG and an INT for a TD the other way. Sad.
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