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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. A. He was on Degrassi B. His batting gloves C. The hand motions he uses when he sings D. He isn't
  2. Woot, 11 point week. I'm averaging 9 points a week, too bad I signed up late and got a goose egg for week 1. There you go! 11!
  3. On whether or not he was surprised Rodgers won the Superbowl: What a freaking douche. Still trying to toot his own horn and downplay the awesomeness that is his successor. Sad.
  4. What a zone the 22 year old has been getting all night..
  5. My stream isn't working worth a shit, looks like Flash will be my update system.
  6. Love what Posada's giving us at the plate, but I'm worried he's going to play himself into another contract here
  7. Granderson was lucky to recover after getting a horrible jump (which he seems to do on every ball hit on the line at him). This doesn't look great.. how A.J. is even on this ALDS roster is beyond me. Unwilling to admit the big money mistake, I guess.
  8. @RicBucher FWIW: 50-50 BRI split sounds fair because splitting anything 50-50 sounds fair. In this case, it's 50-50 of what owners deem to share. @RicBucher Example: Let's split a pizza. I'll split four slices with you, 50-50. The other 12 slices? Not pizza. Bruschetta. I keep the bruschetta. If what he's saying is true, that's most of the problem.
  9. Oh, and Justin Tryon signed and Jim Cordle promoted from practice squad (Baas insurance). Sage Rosenfels released off IR with an injury settlement.
  10. Just kidding, Stokley released with an injury settlement. Guess they have full confidence in Cruz after his big weeks.
  11. Wali, you're giving him exactly what he wants.. a reaction. His words are hollow, he's doing it just to get a rise out of people. Starve him.
  12. Incarcerated Bob is this thugged out sports guy who is actually right more often than wrong. Pretty funny amateur with insiders.
  13. JPP is evolving into an absolute monster.. Osi on the field, and JPP was the one getting the double teams.. still finished with 5 pressures. Get Tuck healthy and this is a scary line!
  14. Bye Sean! This really sucks, especially with Avery leaving.
  15. I almost responded, but remembered it's just Matt Hubbs trolling.
  16. Not even a pinch hitter there for Martin, our weakest hitter? Joe really has no balls.
  17. Yes 2.0 This is only through half the season, but I admittedly didn't pay much attention to him after that point.. 47% Catch Rate -75 DYAR -28.7% DVOA 271 EYAR That's horrendous. Even if he turned it around, that is a terrible half season. His numbers look ok, though.
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