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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I always thought he was a bit overrated, even moreso in death
  2. I voted for Eli, but I'd want Romo. Romo Eli Vick Grossman
  3. Also a womanly move, I hate it. Oh well. Ted Williams had it right, he was the man.. "Going into the final day of the 1941 season, Ted Williams had a .3996 average. Rounded off to 3-digits, Williams would have been credited with a .400 average. Joe Cronin, Red Sox manager, asked Williams if he wanted to sit out the double-header to clinch the .400 mark. Williams refused, played both games and went 6-for-8 to raise his average to .406."
  4. Disappointed he pulled himself after the bunt.
  5. They're still making up for the Tuck/Bollinger roughing call The second one looked like launching.
  6. David Robertson: 66.2 IP, 1.09 ERA, 100 K. 4 members of the bullpen with sub 2 ERAs.. David Robertson 1.08, Luis Ayala 1.64, Cory Wade 1.85, Mariano Rivera 1.91. 5 guys who played crucial roles on this team were signed via minor league contracts: Bartolo Colon, Freddy Garcia, Eric Chavez, Cory Wade, and Luis Ayala. Amazing.
  7. Did for people who bought Medal of Honor or preordered via Origin, might just be for PC though.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T36A-H8dPhI
  9. Hey Feelgood.. if you post youtube vids, I'd probably listen to half the stuff you mention.. I'm just too lazy to go look them up myself
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86tDEuoOSko
  11. I guess. But if I grab someone by the helmet/jersey, yank them down to the ice, rip their helmet off and pull their jersey over their head.. I'm not calling it a cheap shot when I get smacked in the face.
  12. It felt so chippy from the start, I think they're gearing up for this Winter Classic already, especially after that conference across the street. I'm just happy hockey is back
  13. Was the "sucker" punch before or after Simmonds had him by the helmet, yanking him down to the ice, ripping the ear off of his head? None of it would have happened if Sestito doesn't throw the bullshit hit, and none of it would have happened if Simmonds didn't grab his helmet and yank him to the ice. If you engage another player with your gloves off, protect yourself. Avery was right in what he said, IMO. Tell Sestito to chill out, because your guy will be in trouble otherwise. "I don't want to have to kill Giroux tonight." Avery's actually been a huge advocate for ridding the sport of homophobia. http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2011/5/10/2163910/uptown-sports-sean-avery-gay-marriage-twitter
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsIqp9su1fs
  15. lol good, Simmonds had him by the helmet and pulled the jersey over his head. He deserved a punch. "LeRoy" hahaha. Avery did what he does best. Pissed Simmonds off enough to where he dropped his gloves, and then declined. Got us a power play. He'd be entirely useless if he didn't get us some man advantages
  16. I missed it because I was at the hockey game, but my buddy texted me something along the lines of "I guess you're allowed to tackle Ware now.."
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