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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Went to the game tonight, great fun. Nova was throwing tons of ground balls, until the 7th. Soriano looked good, worked out of Nova's trouble with ease. Cano finishes a single short of the cycle, took a [expletive]ing Trumbo gem to save that single, too. Granderson with two homers. Good times!
  2. No, I'm not mad at the Giants at all. $4M, with $2M guaranteed is honestly a ton of money for a guy fresh off microfracture and with a 4+ game missed possibility looming. It's a good deal for the Eagles if he performs in the 2nd half, but not something I'm going to blame the Giants for passing on.
  3. I hope he blows his knee out in his first practice. 2M guaranteed seems a lot fresh off microfracture, though. Still, he's a cunt.
  4. I've used it, but I was by myself, so nothing got done haha
  5. Incapable of baseball conversation. Noted.
  6. This that new banger.. game changer.
  7. Enough with this manager shit, it is the most overplayed complaint/excuse
  8. Gates missed 6 games last year and still finished 2nd in TE points. He's like a second wideout, and if he can stay healthy, he's a ridiculous weapon. Nicks missed 3 games last year and still finished 7th in WR points, with Smith and Manningham alongside him. Smith is likely to start the year on PUP, and Boss is gone, meaning possibly more targets for Hakeem. I think they were both solid picks. Hillis I'm not high on. Wore down at the end of last season, and I'm not sure he'll be refreshed enough in 2011 to be as effective as he was last season. Dude took a beating.
  9. I've seen this a while ago, I could've sworn somebody had posted it here.. hmm
  10. Yeah, she's looking real skinny too. Both good things though! haha
  11. You won tickets to the Auburn v Alabama game! Woooooooooo! Just kidding. You're arrested for failing to pay your child support. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5xO0b8xx0s
  12. But Vick was a superstar before he left the league, you can't really tie him in as a guy that looks good for the Eagles and then goes off and is shitty elsewhere.. same with McNabb, his skillset fell off a bit before he was traded away. If you want to focus mainly on Feeley, that's fair.. it's not super close, but I can see where you're coming from. Much better than Garcia, McNabb, and Vick.
  13. Fish gets a +1 when I get on my PC, hahaha
  14. Jeff Garcia was a supserstar in San Francisco, had years far better than any he had in Philly. McNabb isn't calculated on the "looked good in Philly" scale, because he was old/washed up in Philly and then went to play for a coach who didn't like him (and Albert). Vick was a superstar in Atlanta, and I don't think it's the Philly scheme that's made him look good.. He just actually stays in the pocket and acts like a pro NFL QB now, rather than a gimmick option college QB. Feeley sucked ass after Philly, but what did he have? Two good starts for the Eagles? I think Kolb is just fine in Arizona, especially with Fitz, and with a full-time job. I could be completely wrong, but I definitely don't buy into this Eagles QB conspiracy.
  15. Haha, yeah. We talked about him at length after the draft. Dude actually played with the 1's yesterday, over Phillips.
  16. Samesies, lol.. We've both had mediocre LBers for years now, but I've heard great things so far of Kenny Ingram, Philip Dillard, Spencer Paysinger, and Mark Herzilich. Tyler Sash at safety, too.
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