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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. He's had an OPS north of .800 once, and a career OPS of .711. His career OBP is .319. He is a bad offensive player, but a solid defender. Leaves him a solid, but not much above average, career baseball player. Playing for good teams doesn't make you a great player. He has been consistent.. consistently bad. His .598 OPS is better than one qualifying player in the entire league. But he fields competently, I guess.. doesn't really make up for being an absolute void at the dish.
  2. Depends on how loosely you use the term "ace". Cabs was a decent player, but that was a long time ago. Certainly not this year, with his sub .600 OPS. A related tweet:
  3. Great haul for the Rockies. Glad the Yankees didn't overpay for him.
  4. Terrell Thomas? And just have the text "illwill21"? Thanks bro!
  5. Too many lite-activity members, too anxious of a commish, offline draft failures already.. Not hard to understand, fishie.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9sQadePRh4
  7. I like these a lot.. want to make me one?
  8. I hope the Eagles eat a bag of cox n dix
  9. League won't let me delete my team because the offline draft was finalized.. can you fix that for me?
  10. Only one crying is Osi, and it happens every offseason.. If we can get value for him, pull the trigger.
  11. If 43% of this league is going to miss a scheduled online draft, you know why I don't want to be in it.
  12. Because the #2 pick has been simmed already? Forecast is not looking good.
  13. I am dropping out of this league.. sorry guys.
  14. I don't see the problem, it's a ridiculously low risk, high reward move. Paid little for a guy who has the ability to absolutely dominate, even if he doesn't utilize it most of the time (soooo lazy). These years of his contract pay little before the option, so money isn't an issue either. Nice pickup.
  15. lol no, it's something completely ridiculous. You'd probably have to clear browsing history/cookies to see it now
  16. Step 1: Click the link: http://blackacrebrewing.com/home/ Step 2: Click that you are under 21 Step 3: lolwtf?
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