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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Impressed that he's out there fresh off a dislocated kneecap.
  2. Pretty mad that we lost. That first equalizer was just absolutely foolish, you play a ball on the ground in front of the net? That's a no-no, in almost any sport. You NEVER play a ball in front of the goalie. That said, I agree with ECN. I HATE when games end via a glorified skills competition, just like shootouts in the NHL.
  3. Diving into the plate is a full body commitment, it does not have much to do with hands. If that statement had nothing to do with our conversation, please ignore.
  4. I felt like I had an opinion on the topic that hadn't been posted before that point, and it was an objective observation on the player discussed and why he is hit frequently. It's not like I wrote "bump, youk pwnt" just to troll.. it was a legitimate observation that held no bias or malicious intent.
  5. I was looking for your Pirates comment, by searching for iBoldin's posts in the baseball forum (I know he doesn't have many) so that I could post the link after your claim in the general baseball thread. I came across that thread, which I hadn't seen/read before, and wanted to add my 2 cents, which was in no way anti-Sox or venomous at all. You took it the wrong way.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_baseball_%28D%29#diving_over_the_plate The quote at the end is by Tom Verducci. But I'm sure you know more about baseball than him, he clearly used the wrong term.
  7. Some Youkilis related "diving" (my fabricated term) quotes from around the web.. scrounged up in about 30 seconds:
  8. I apologize, I hadn't realized that you didn't play the game of baseball after the little league level. Diving over the plate is a term widely used and recognized, sorry that you haven't been around it. Incorrect term.. lol, how ignorant. I never said that he tries to get hit with pitches. He dives into the plate. So does Jeter, that's why he's been known to get hit frequently. Their momentum brings them toward the plate as they load and prepare to swing, and it makes it infinitely more difficult to get out of the way of an inside pitch. This is why he ranks in HBP every year. He dives into the plate when he swings. Didn't think it was difficult to realize, for someone who watches so many Sawx games.
  9. doesn't work, you were already using coldplay as the dominant subject
  10. There are a couple ways. Sometimes in the field, if a ball is just far enough out of reach, one may leave their feet in an attempt to sprawl out and make a play. That would be one instance of diving. Or, in the one I was speaking of, "diving over the plate", a batter puts most of his momentum towards the plate while gearing up for a swing, putting him closer to inside pitches and less able to get out of the way of a ball inside. I'm glad, though, that you misinterpreted my comment. It wouldn't be ECN without a defensive, long-winded, overblown reaction to something with no ill intent whatsoever. lol
  11. nor is their music shitty enough http://i54.tinypic.com/2a8jol4.jpg
  12. This is true of very few people in the nation.
  13. Just reading through this thread.. wanted to note that Youk is an infamous diver and is in the top 10 in HBP on a yearly basis. Already at 11 this season, and we're just halfway through.
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