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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. ^^ Sweet. He's a good player, don't get me wrong. But he's an undersized 2 and has very little point guard skills. If we can move him for a backup point (Flynn?) I'd do it in a heartbeat. If it takes Douglas and 17 to move up for a guy we really want in the 1st, do it.
  2. haha true story, I don't think they've cheered a pick since Ewing
  3. [expletive]ing LOL The kid with the Knicks afro will be in my memory forever, that was such a great moment
  4. Won tickets? They're like $10 Did he include travel fare? Either way, have fun! Expect a lot of rowdy Knicks fans if they pick an unfavorable guy haha
  5. Watched Due Date tonight.. it was fairly funny. 7.5/10.
  6. What if Biyombo falls and/or we trade up?
  7. Very interesting, I'm actually really curious as to who the Knicks would take if Montiejunas, Shumpert, Jimmer, and Faried were all available when we pick.
  8. Is Spero Dedes any good? Signed on as the new Knicks TV play-by-play announcer, what are we getting ourselves into??
  9. I would have loved it if that dude that came through at the end just laid a beating on everyone involved in the jumping
  10. That's like 1/8th of the video. The one on the bottom (the woman's son) wanted to fight the kid on top, and got the best of it at first.. the one on top got jumped by like 4 people (the mother included) at first, and got beat on a bit, and it took forever to get it to a one on one fight, and then he starts to win and the mom kicks him in the face. I have no sympathy to the horrible things she has coming.
  11. Biyombo definitely has 0 offensive skills right now.. he has to be one of the rawest big men coming out. His defense and athleticism, and that enormous wingspan though are what's going to enamor him to ballclubs. I've seen Ben Wallace comparisons thrown around, only reason the Knicks draft him is because they need a starting 5 who will play D and rebound. Motie is great, but again fits that mold of all offense, no defense.. same with Jimmer. Maybe Klay really is their best option, I've heard a lot of reports that the Knicks would move up for him.
  12. James Gandolfini ate in my section at the restaurant I work at on Saturday. Was pretty cool, lol.
  13. The Yankees offered 80 million dollars to the Dodgers for Clayton Kershaw and the MLB turned it down. LoL.
  14. http://i55.tinypic.com/4ilw2f.jpg Died in a car crash at 34 years old. Apparently had pics up earlier in the night of him drinking, hopefully he didn't die in a DD accident.. though it seems plausible. Hilarious man, RIP. http://www.tmz.com/2011/06/20/jackass-ryan-dunn-dies-dead-car-crash-accident-pennsylvania/
  15. Yeah samesies, I'd be happier with Thompson if we can trade Toney and Balkman for Flynn.
  16. I'm falling in love with Bismack Biyombo
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