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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Nah.. the Sally Mae is what I've payed so far, I took it out for my first school.. left after a year and a half and took a few years off before going back to another school. Got them to stop payments again when I was enrolled again. I guess what I should have said was that I didn't have a problem making the minimum payments while I was out of school.
  2. I have about 14k piled up right now.. I've done a Sally Mae in the past and right now just go off the subsidized/unsubsidized loans that my college offers.. Haven't had a problem making minimum payments to this point.
  3. http://i52.tinypic.com/o6gs95.jpg Bruce and the E Street Band will never be the same.. truly heartbreaking day for anyone from Jersey. Great guy, and a fan favorite member of the crew. RIP Clarence! My favorite Bruce song with a nice Clarence solo to send you off with, bud.. http://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/18/clarence.clemons.obit/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titletown
  5. Just happened yesterday.. He posted this hours before the game started. Self pwn?
  6. yup, I've had school loans for years
  7. They're likely different updates of that pack. Mine downloads different patch updates almost daily.. you might just want to turn notifications for it off, or set it to download automatically (or both). Less annoyance.
  8. hahahaha holy [expletive]ing shit.. enough with the predictions, ms. cleo, I'm getting freaked the [expletive] out.
  9. Are you better than that? You're the king of "we had to win 5 on 8 tonight" comments, dude. Hypocritic critic.
  10. Not a bad start for Brian Gordon, though the numbers don't scream it. Did a great job of working out of the bases loaded trouble in the 5th (I think). Cory Wade was incredible in extras. I'd love to see more of this guy. Changed speeds very well. Noesi was great, D-Rob is becoming one of the best relievers in the sport, and Mo held it down. Great to see the pitchers pick up a struggling offense today.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyIebdbMqg8&feature=player_embedded
  12. I'll bring subs, be wingman the entire trip, and become a Lakers fan. Totals ~$1,300 US. Fair trade?
  13. Rub cocaine on your gums and all over the inside of your mouth and it's like a super novocaine injection haha
  14. This thread contains the biggest overreaction in OTR history.
  15. Brian Gordon is starting tomorrow
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