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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. My 4th round pick.. released him the other day. Atrocious.
  2. Poe's been on the crazy train since the Wade "911" comments.
  3. Kevin: I wouldn't last in jail, Oscar, I'm not like you. Oscar: What's that supposed to mean? Kevin: Oh you don't know about jail? Oh you would LOVE jail. Oscar: Why would I love jail. Kevin: Because [pauses] you would love it.
  4. Rajai Davis Corey Patterson Jose Bautista Yunel Escobar Juan Rivera Aaron Hill Eric Thames J.P. Arencibia Edwin Encarnacion Pretty awful. To be fair, Lind is pretty good and he's on the DL.. but it's still bad.
  5. Their lineup is that bad. #4 hitter is Yunel Escobar.. lmao!
  6. 6th inning, 1-1 game, runner on 2nd, 0 out. Girardi intentionally walks Bautista. Sac bunt moves the runners to 2nd and 3rd, so Girardi has them intentionally walk Juan Rivera as well, loading the bases with 1 out. In the 6th inning. 5 runs later.. are you kidding, Girardi? This isn't extra innings of a do-or-die game.. I swear, he has to be one of the worst managers in baseball.
  7. Damn.. I saw a video of it on Weather.com this morning, and my first thought was genuinely "damn, the touch-down had to be at least a mile"
  8. i'd agree with you if he didn't suck :glasses:
  9. LMAO classic, classic I haven't.. hopefully it's on Netflix instant, I'll check it out tonight if so
  10. We only watched about 7 of the shorts in class, "Critical Approaches to Literature".. we watched without subtitles, and had to read into the meaning of each clip and what they were saying without understanding the language, using the same critical approaches we learned in class (well.. some was English, and I know very basic stuff from taking French in high school). From what I watched, it was all very good.. and very interesting. I'm going to try and watch the full movie with the subtitles on in the near future. Tuilerie was great, I knew you'd like it Buschemi and the Coen brothers, of course.. he is such an underrated actor. Very entertaining short. Some of the others were very ranged.. loss, love, happiness, the clips seemed to have great variety and covered a ton of different bases.
  11. Only way you can fail is if you don't care/pay attention. It's an entry level course, lol.
  12. What a leg spreading performance.. lol. Britney actually looked really, really sexy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZIUgHTGgEw
  13. Oliver, I forgot to mention.. I watched Paris, Je T'Aime a few months ago. Have you seen it?
  14. Fish, what do you think the Mets do with Reyes? Would you give him the 100+ mil contract that he'll be looking for? I know that they're rebuilding, and may not be very close.. but the dude is so young and is (talent-wise) a top 3 SS in baseball.
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