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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Already talked about in the Rangers thread, hockey forum n00bs.
  2. I really hope it wasn't related to his fight. Emotionally, physically, etc. Poor guy, I'm pretty bummed over it.
  3. I'll probably go around 10-6, like last year.. hopefully we have a few less injuries (though everyone is another year older) and we get some bounces in our direction this time around. My expectations jump a game if we can sign a high-level linebacker in free agency, though I don't see that as a likelihood.
  4. Oh, and blu-ray looks nice on an hdtv =)
  5. I traded my xbox for ps3 and couldn't be happier. Better exclusives, free online, hulu+, games you can enjoy offline/by yourself. I'd get one now, so you can take advantage of all the free shit they'll give when PSN goes back online.
  6. Yeah lol that hurt.. The namecalling was regrettable. I think I apologized afterwards.. If not, sorry. The worst was this bitch I can't stand was over, and was screaming and getting player names wrong and telling me that Eli threw a bad "pitch".. just made everything so much worse. Haha. How do you think the Cowboys will do?
  7. Did you see what happened? Considering how it went down, I really wasn't all that mad. Which is surprising.
  8. lol, are we going to post videos from last year in a predictions thread? Fun! This one's better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJshw2Axsqc
  9. Works on my computer, works on Phightins' computer.. maybe look and see if something's going wrong on your end.
  10. I don't like it.. just shitty little hamburgers. I guess it's cool to get a crave case and have like 20 little sliders, but imo it's no better than any fast food place that does burgers. But they do have their fans.. so I'm sure people like them.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcqm0t1RYg4
  12. I wish I had more hands, so I could give White Castle four thumbs down
  13. Meh, close is relative I guess.. heard May 28th as a probably return.
  14. http://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh5jd3AC1Tr8c7iZGW
  15. What happened to your hands, and why are you in spaghetti from the waist down?
  16. My prediction: We will see another one of these. http://i53.tinypic.com/jil3ra.jpg
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VU2-3PiLEw
  18. I just finished Critical Approaches to Literature.. as Lkr said, you need to be deep into literature to get anything out of it. I'm an English focus, so it was a requirement.
  19. Oh, and from what I hear.. the shakes are incredible.
  20. Never had SmashBurger.. Shawn Andrews says it's amazinggggggg though. Haven't been to a Fuddruckers since I was a little kid, they used to give those free cookie redeemer coins.. those were amazing IDK how to explain it, it's really, really good man. Probably on the same level as 5 guys, but cheaper. Animal style fries put it over the top.. amazing. I can see getting super sick of it if I had it all the time, but I'm only on the west coast like once a year.. so yum. If you go to In-N-Out you will leave happy.
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