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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. yeah, .112 to be exact. he's decent.
  2. Me too, a change of scenery might be a huge help for him. Can't hurt to pick him up as 2B/bench fodder, seems pretty versatile.
  3. I hope it wouldn't in part 1, lol. He shouldn't even be on the floor. What you said is true, but do you trust Jeffries on offense with anything? Honestly.. he can't even catch passes 75% of the time. Part 2, that's the problem.. we know from experience that 5 ft from the hoop and 6'11 that you can't trust him to be productive. He made a key layup, and I fell out of my chair in surprise. You did too, don't deny it Part 3.. he played a tremendous game and is a great offensive rebounder. You right. He should have been in there. Just not with the ball going through him. Douglas off a screen, Walker slashing (even at 0-11), Mason spotting up and open.. I'd take any of those 7 days a week over Jeffries on the block. But my bitching does nothing at this point. Deuces for real now, going to go drink or smoke or do something to chill out, these first two games have my blood pressure through the roof. On to game 3, let's get it at home.
  4. Or you could develop a competent enough play to get a guy like Douglas open, if you're worried about Melo's double, have him slash to the basket, and then feed it off to an open Jeffries for a jam. You just can't give it to Jared Jeffries in the post, expect him to make a basketball move and put the ball in the basket. And what you said above is not true, because Kobe would take that shot rather than feed it to an open(ish) Mbenga under the basket :glasses: I don't even think Jeffries should have been on the court. But it seems as though I'm the minority around here who thinks D'Antoni could have schemed an actual play, rather than 'pass it to Melo and see what happens', so I'll just throw up the deuces and move on to game 3.
  5. I'm not making it sound like Melo did something wrong, not even a little bit. There has to be an option, on an inbounds play after a full timeout, that doesn't result with the ball in the hands of one of the worst offensive players in the entire league. I apologize if you disagree with this, but that's how I feel. As an NBA coach, you have to be able to scheme a play that doesn't end in 'Jeffries in the post'. My unwavering opinion, but feel free to banter on about it.
  6. i honestly don't care if you're going to try and defend the play, but don't use Jeffries' shooting percentage on open layups and putbacks as the reasoning. he may be arguably the worst offensive player in the nba.
  7. You ever see a Doc Rivers team feeding Nenad Krstic type players for game winners? Phil Jackson team feeding Brian Cook with 10 seconds in the playoffs? If you design a good play, someone competent will get the ball with a good look. Melo played the game of his life, I just wish Jared Jeffries wasn't in charge of the offense on the final possession. You can't tell me your best option is Jeffries in the post.. ever. Unless you're a D-League team somewhere (which, honestly, we were close to tonight.)
  8. Have guys curling off screens at the top of the key and flashing to the basket, to give Melo some options when he has the ball? Double screen to give Melo room to breathe? Take out Jared Jeffries and throw Shawne Williams in there, so you have a guy who can catch and pass the ball? Any(every)thing other than feeding Jared Jeffries in the post?
  9. I'm fine with that. Pick one, pick any one. Jared Jeffries is the most incompetent offensive player on this team. He's less apt on offense than Turiaf. Inbounds to Steve Nash, fed down low to Garret Siler for the win. You happy with that to end a playoff game? lol.. if that's your reasoning, there's no sense arguing with you.
  10. You're right, feeding the ball to Jared Jeffries in the post with 10 seconds left in a one possession playoff game is perfectly acceptable. I don't know what I was thinking.
  11. You can't use that approach with the players that were on the court, especially not when the ball ends up in the hands of a guy who had like 49 points during the regular season with the Knicks. Not in the final possession of a playoff game.
  12. It's even worse to admit his playcall was 'give the ball to Melo on the wing and see what happens', especially when he was doubled most of the 4th quarter. You need to have 2nd, 3rd, and 4th options on a last possession play. #2 can't be feeding the ball in the post and letting it go through Jared Jeffries.
  13. JYD I think you're D'Antoni's only fanboy left in existence.. there uniqueness in that, at least!
  14. lmao, tabloid headline tomorrow.. HE WENT TO JARED?!
  15. lol.. you have a full timeout, and your plan on the inbounds play is to go through Jared Jeffries? I can't wait until this clown D'Antoni is gone, embarrassing management in back to back playoff games. Inexcusable. [expletive]ing clown.
  16. 1:00 to go, the team on the floor is carmelo, jeffries, mason jr, walker, and douglas. Wow, how are we in this game?
  17. Put in derrick brown, put in herb williams, put in whoever the [expletive]. Bill Walker is making me nauseus.
  18. uhhh to be honest I don't remember who it was called on.. Bill Walker drove hard, slammed into a guy who was flat footed and set for the charge for like 3 full seconds lmao.. might have been Jeff Green iirc
  19. billups is out, amar'e is out (and questionable to return), and turiaf just limped off.. would take something special to pull this one out
  20. Yeah, more is good.. but it still won't sniff the exposure they'd get on ESPN.
  21. I don't think anybody's confused why they didn't go to ESPN, it's just unfortunate for the popularity of the sport
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