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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Being fair, Boston's offense was the worst I've seen it last night. Pierce was off and looked old, Garnett looked old and failed to finish around the basket, Allen was relatively quiet for large stretches (I thought Fields did an unheralded job against him for parts of the game), and Rondo played terribly (numbers don't show it, but he had a very un-Rondo game). Was that a result of the Knicks playing great defense? Maybe a little.
  2. I thought the most crucial play was Bill Walker's foul that gave Ray Ray an and-1 under the basket on what was a seemingly broken play. Knicks come away from that with the 4 point lead and the ball, they can likely ice things.. but instead came away with a 1 point lead and then the awful offensive foul call. In the end, the Knicks are the Knicks. Won't play defense, and will make boneheaded mistakes on defense. It's what they do. Back to back egregious calls from the refs, however, is something that was absolutely crucial in the last 20 seconds of the game and affected the outcome. Can't stomach that.
  3. http://i51.tinypic.com/18c50g.jpg
  4. Yeah, I heard the explanation now. The live broadcast had 00.1 left on the clock when the puck disappeared from sight (and only used one side angle, the clear overhead was inexplicably ignored/not available).. so live, as it happened, I posted on here that it was bullshit.. looked bullshit to me. Ugh.. Rags. Painfully bad nickname, and I have to hear it from Philly/Pens/Devs fans throughout the season. Make it stoppppp But the shot was insane.. as you said, ridiculous. Been waiting for Christensen to do something.. anything.. for a while. [expletive] yeah, him and Boyle look awesome.. Mike Gartner throwback style. Love it.
  5. I'm gonna cry about it, that's about it haha.. I'm still sick to my stomach today..
  6. There was nothing wrong with your English, he has just been overusing meme pics and saw an opportunity
  7. i was hoping this dumb shit died when hiphophead got banned
  8. cool ref giving the celtics the ball is cool
  9. http://i54.tinypic.com/110yrgl.jpg
  10. this. don't like either currently, but wiz's apex is wayne's rock bottom
  11. As opposed to not buying tickets or going to games for Mets fans. :glasses:
  12. Brat [expletive]in killllllllled this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNIISE9omVQ
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW39H_Ufu1w
  14. Does Jordan Hill still worry more about his dreads than getting better as a basketball player? Will he develop into a starter?
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