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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Need to gain more points against the Devils than the Hurricanes do against the Lightning in order to sneak into the playoffs. Not hopeful.
  2. We're trying to follow the Heat mold, remember?
  3. Also, Melo's been absolutely on fire since starting to rock that green headband. Thing is ugly as all hell.
  4. My room was like that at my old house, was the last stop for the vents so it was 12º in the winter and about 99º in the summer. Finally bought a window AC unit to fix one of the problems -_-
  5. Hit me up if you want to play later. PSN - NomarFachix I've only played one map, can't really tell how the game will be as a final product because of all the changes happening already from the Beta.
  6. They offered that (2x salary, no tenure) to NJ schools not long ago, and the voting was something like 85% against. Lazy [expletive] teachers.
  7. World Star is one of the few sites I check daily. Guaranteed entertainment in various forms.
  8. Someone posted this on the Yankees ESPN board last night, I think the answer was 228
  9. He said that you are not objective over the President of the United States because you have a Rush Limbaugh mindframe. You brought up a completely irrelevant football player, which literally has not a single tie to the conversation. They are not the same thing, though you'd like to spin it to seem like they are. Posting my picture only shows your immaturity, I say you're doing something hypocritical and you dig for a picture, edit it, and threaten to post it on the site. Grow up.
  10. There's not much to spin... Rush Limbaugh, a Republican figurehead, was referenced in a thread pertaining to politics. You fired back with a barb about a [expletive]ing football player. Do you honestly not understand the difference between the two?
  11. Might be the most hypocritical statement in board history, and just mere moments after turning a political debate into "Clay Matthews is a juicer". SMH
  12. Don't get the big deal, Fireworks is just as lame an intro
  13. Yeah it's around that long, but there's something like 20 different endings iirc
  14. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/19817-mac-miller/page__p__219789__hl__miller__fromsearch__1#entry219789
  15. And his master plans for becoming a Multi-Billionare are officially foiled.
  16. http://www.cbssports.com/nba/gametracker/recap/NBA_20110405_LAC@MEM
  17. http://www.cbssports.com/nba/gametracker/recap/NBA_20110405_PHO@CHI
  18. http://www.cbssports.com/nba/gametracker/recap/NBA_20110405_MIL@ORL
  19. Are you saying that Toronto isn't God awful?
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