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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Wake today, taking my dog to be put to sleep tomorrow, funeral tomorrow. Ode to a Nightingale has never rung more true.
  2. Down 3-0 to those big bully Bruins, win the game 5-3. Oh, hey ECN!
  3. Haha dude seriously... you order fettucini alfredo and there has to be like three boxes of pasta that comes out with the thickest, most unhealthy sauce ever... you might legit die if you eat the whole plate. It's badddd I ordered a baked ziti pizza one time from there, I could only finish one slice
  4. They go to Rivoli's all the time, I went to high school with the girl whose parents own/run it. Food is gross, they just give you sooooooooo much of it.
  5. Gardner sucked yesterday I think Colon has to come in there, it was only the 4th or so when Hughes was done? Maybe the 5th? But he's our LR as it stands, I don't think Joe wanted to start taxing the bullpen already. Let the fat boy go out there and take his lumps. Still wish they didn't trade Mitre, and hopefully Millwood will be ready soon. Oh, and I was in 314.. lol.
  6. I'd hit it twice without thinking once... she's fine
  7. My boy made the clear day list with the Hershey Bears a little while back, surprising after he went undrafted out of Maine.
  8. Cabrera was ridiculous, those homers were [expletive]ing LACED. Every time he got up we'd make start making fun of him, calling him stuff like Miguel "four fingers of scotch" Cabrera, stuff like that... first homer didn't phase me, but after the second I figured I'd better stop saying shit haha. Was funny after Colon struck him out, he started walking towards the Yankee dugout and then turned around and went back to the Tigers, we were like "he's wastedddddd!" A lot of fun, unfortunately the Yankees pitching decided to take the day off. Game felt 5 hours long, and we were in the shade the whole time and it felt a bit chilly. Fish, we were looking at the Mets too, and I was making fun of Javvy the whole time... Of course the Mets (The METS!) got three runs in the first.. it's Javvy. 7 runs after 3? It's Javvy! Those garlic fries are disgusting by the way... someone in our section got them like 12 rows back and we could smell them singeing our nostrils.
  9. Still not convinced it isn't one of his alter egos
  10. I smoked Ports when I smoked... and agreed, Reds are filth.
  11. I'm a Union fan homie! DeRo is a straight beast though, great move for the Red Bull.
  12. I know that song from like high school
  13. The frappacino latte's are showing each other some luv
  14. Girly http://i51.tinypic.com/2qthaol.jpg Not Girly http://i55.tinypic.com/o8b71j.jpg
  15. I'm sure I'll be heading from Philly to Lakewood for at least some of the games, if you want me to swing by. We'll talk about it I'm sure.
  16. lol nah I know it's the Phils, wasn't sure of the level.
  17. So use Pedroia's 2008 and 2009 and Cano's 2009 and 2010, if anything. Can't wipe clear a guy's career year because it helps your argument, duder.
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