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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. FWIW [expletive] WAR/WORP/TORP/ZORP/UZR/ZR% and all that garbage... I watch baseball.
  2. Crawford is absolutely overrated. Career OPS marks are terrible, hell, even his OBP marks are nothing to write home about. He's fast and steals bases when he gets on, which is less frequently than he should. Grossly overpaid this offseason. Why would you choose not to include Cano's 2010? Why, if we're discussing who is better now, would you talk solely about 2008 and 2009? Just makes no sense. "Let's use 2008 as a measuring stick, since Pedroia had the best season of his career and Cano his worst. THAT'll show 'em I'm right!" Come on now. If you're even putting Pedroia close right now you're out of your mind.
  3. Is it because I called a latte drink a "shit"? I must be http://i54.tinypic.com/307q1ra.jpg In reality, no, wasn't mad, no, doesn't bother me. I just think it's girly. Might as well wear some panties when you order your Tall Eggnog Latte with extra whipped cream. :glasses:
  4. Really let the Heat have it tonight 2-7, 4 points, 4 reb, 1 ast, 1 blk, 3 fouls, -12 +/- thaaaaaa beast
  5. So when I say something is girly, why ask if it really bothers me? If you know that they're not the same concept, why interchange one with another?
  6. Thinking something is girly and having it bother you are not the same concept.
  7. Yes... if you buy those caramel latte shits with the foam. Drink coffee.
  8. Fish I'm not sure if I'm going anymore
  9. Don't go back to that person for advice ever again
  10. It's very simple to prove that the Rockies will have the best offense in baseball... http://i54.tinypic.com/sdg460.jpg
  11. Nah I don't think so, even if Joba takes a misstep we have D-Rob who can definitely pitch the 7th, and we have great lefty specialists in Logan and Feliciano. Brackman will probably see some time in the bullpen as the year goes on too, and Prior looked great in the Spring. Definitely a huge, huge plus if Joba's great, but I don't think he's the deciding factor.
  12. At the Lakewood Blueclaws games (Phillies single-A, I think) they have Thirsty Thursdays... $1 coors lite and 25ยข wings, haven't missed one in a few years hahah
  13. I honestly don't get what the problem is here, but maybe it's because I'm a Yankees fan. A guy tells him how fast the pitch was, totally huge advantage. It's almost like he was video taping signs and signals and plays and all of that... but he's too classy.
  14. Something gave him that award... A lot of people say East Coast Bias, but that alone would have given it to the more deserving Youk, so there had to be something about the little pipsqueek charmer that people liked :lol
  15. Buchholz* I wouldn't agree with that. They're both studs. The other two, though... not so much. Won't disagree, if he can be big out of the 5 hole that's hugee
  16. Why is it legal to have someone tell you how fast a pitch was? Should we ban radar guns?
  17. Cano is easily a better player than Pedroia at this point in their careers. Anddddd we both know he shouldn't have won that MVP His own teammate Youk had a better season than he did, played three different positions defensively (and competently, too!). Jeter's '06 was even better than Pedrioa's '08. Pedrioa's just a guy who's easy to like (unless you root for an opposing team, I can't stand the guy) because he gives 110% and plays the game the right way. Undersized/underdog thing too, lol.
  18. Lackey and Beckett were both atrocious last year, neither has it in them to come close to a Cy Young again.
  19. Mother[expletive]ing what??
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