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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. NomarFachix


    I have played this at least 5 times daily since it came out, and find myself humming and singing it all day. Rebecca Black wins. She was #17 the other day on iTunes downloads, sitting at #33 today. She's assuredly made a ton of money off of this song.
  2. Gaga is massively talented, lol. I don't like that type of music, but I find myself singing hers whenever it comes on the radio. She's an absolute enigma, people like her don't come along often. *Except Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Darius Rucker :glasses: Old Usher was good. Back when I was trying to get pussies wet in middle/high school. Maybe it was more the culture than the music itself, who knows? Agreed on 50, haha. GRoDT was a [expletive]ing classic, then he shit the bed. I like MInaj... it's nice having a female who can competently hold her own in mainstream (hip-hop wise). Wish every other song didn't feature little Jimmy Brooks from Degrassi, but whatevs. Oh, so there's mine. Drake. Can't [expletive]in stand him.
  3. I can see St. Anger and Death Magnetic (which still get regular play from me, though world's different from what is expected of Metallica), but you didn't like the Black Album? Either of the Loads?
  4. Throwing on a rob after a shower sounds gay
  5. Right now for super special people, next week for PS+ users, the week after for KZ3 preorders. Releases the 2nd week in April, I think.
  6. The Knicks suck, why are you surprised
  7. Minimum of 14 games, over $219k in lost salary. :glasses:
  8. My computer is better than my PS3 but I'm still going to play the exclusives on there
  9. lol I guess I was confused because he was just saying that every team has a representative and it's voting based, whether or not Ware and Romo win every team still has a representative in the voting process haha... Though I understand what you were saying now. Sometimes you have to break it down for me
  10. Nothing looks good with a faux hawk, slits in the hair/eyebrows will compound the problem. Get a buzz, save your manhood.
  11. NomarFachix


    Yeah, I saw that one too and figured it was more your style... But my ears started to bleed and I turned it off and posted the other one
  12. My bracket is steady chillin in the 99th percentile for yahoo. Won't last, but still cool to see after the first weekend.
  13. A-Rod has a .432/.475/1.000 line with 5 HR and 6 2B in 37 AB this spring. It's just spring training, but his hip looks healthy and he cut down about 10 lbs this offseason. I'm hoping for big things from him this year!
  14. Enjoy your suspension, Mr. Cooke
  15. lol yeah, well why was Avery on Chandler's side too? Maybe it's Terrence
  16. I can't wait for the Heat to lose a few games again and watch you pick another new team to root for.
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