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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Shelden has been playing good defense too.
  2. Harangody LOVES playing the Knicks... He shit on us in preseason too.
  3. And Heat defense responses have nothing to do with Heat fanhood, I get it. Figures you'd dig up a link further defending these people and their actions, you are such a treasure. I love you.
  4. Yes, I saw you say that after I called you on the Republican defense mechanism bullshit. I saw your initial post say nothing but "they have the right to do that". In whose mind is that your first reaction?
  5. Yes, and the WBC has every right to protest funerals. But if the word Republican wasn't involved, maybe you'd have commented on the venom involved in the video rather than deflecting blame and downplaying the incorrectness of some of your fellow party members.
  6. amiwrongtho? (You're still using the / thing wrong )
  7. You already know there's no chance in hell they're losing, Jeffries is getting the start tonight
  8. Take a picture of Castillo's first error
  9. I saw (Republican) in the video screenshot and knew that Flash was either going to defend the people or argue that Democrats are worse. It never, ever fails.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, fingers crossed that it doesn't send my computer to hell like AVG and a few others did
  11. I 100% definitely have a keylogger on my computer. Every time that I change a password for a website, I get an alert later that day that the password has changed and personal information has changed, and to verify it. Sometimes it's verified already and the next step is sent to me, meaning that whoever it is has my e-mail passwords and stuff too. I am constantly changing both e-mail account passwords and the passwords for the site itself, but no matter the different combinations, words, etc they are always found out and changed in a short period of time. AND it's only on this computer. When I'm home in Jersey, I'll get attempted log-in overload notices, but never a changed password or account information. Anyone have experience with keyloggers? I'd first and foremost like to hunt this mother[expletive]er down and murder them with my bare hands, but I know it's likely impossible to trace whoever it is. Other than that just suggestions for ridding the damn thing... Every time I install a new anti-virus or anti-spyware it just locks up my system and I have to do a system restore to get it functioning again. I'm building a new computer in the next few weeks from the ground up, at which point my Windows upgrades and all that will suffice in keeping this kind of shit from happening again. But until then, I'll be damned if this isn't annoying. Help me!
  12. Too bad the Heat weren't bi-winning
  13. Done, goodbye cruel world, this is the punishment I get for not watching the Heat/Magic game. Sasha, you will have a spot reserved in my goodbye note.
  14. Quote the Raptors fan, nevermore
  15. YEAH BRO IT'S GOING TO BE A YEAR IN 4 MONTHS, LET IT GO ALREADY Real question, Mr. Sheen, is... http://i52.tinypic.com/118nh9w.jpg
  16. Bree Olson is awesome if you don't mind semen breath! Probably a hint of ATM in there, too!
  17. Haha yeah but they're getting empty numbers and losers for cheap, they still tout the 2nd worst record in the league. Poor Love.
  18. Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary?? It runs in the jeans!
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