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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Combat training's like you against drones, computer generated guys that run around and suck
  2. This song hypes me like none other, still know all the words lol... Banged this CD hard when it came out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSj4_8MR2lI
  3. I know you don't care how efficient he is, it favors your boy. Griffin is, overall, the more efficient offensive player. Noting free throws shows that you admit Griffin is the better player on the offensive end. Shaq was a pretty horrendous free throw shooter, would you say a lesser player in all other categories is superior because he's better at free throw shooting and/or inherited better teammates? He's as much of a better defender as Blake is a more efficient scorer. If he went to NY, Amar'e wouldn't have (thank God that didn't happen, btw). So no, he wouldn't have been joining two established stars... Which is my take on [expletive]ing out. Regardless, my point was that Bosh's Toronto teams were atrocious too, you can't blame a rookie for the squad he's placed on. He's made them a whole hell of a lot better, I'm not sure you can disagree with that. Saying that a rookie playing on a bad team is a main detractor is cute.
  4. Scores in more volume, scores with better efficiency takes care of free throws (lmao free throws was your ace in the hole). The rest takes care of defense. Let's not pretend Bosh is some stud defender, lol. His team sucks, but so did Bosh's in Toronto. Blake hasn't had the ability to [expletive] out and play third fiddle in a massive ring hunt yet.
  5. Griffin, Griffin, Griffin More volume, more efficient, more dominant. Better rebounder, more explosive, bigger upside. Not a fake toughguy, not in the East, not on the Heat. I can probably come up with more groups of threes, but this will do
  6. Vitamin Water XXX tastes like the bottom of a snowcone. Sooooo good.
  7. Also, Flash... your memes have been terribly off lately... What is going on with you?
  8. I know, I know. I'd still hit it and I'd let Guru watch.
  9. Watching through I Love New York season 1 again, and I still want her just as badly as I did. People make fun of me for it, but oh well... I'd dig all up in that.
  10. The whole package? Melo is a me-first wing... So is he only great statistically? He doesn't board or pass exceptionally well, right? Hasn't won anything in the playoffs yet? Starbury put up seasons of 20+ and 8-9+ with ease. You are drastically underselling Marbs, I'm guessing because his greatness was before your time. Maybe it's because he went crazy or wouldn't adhere to Larry Brown's scheme. I'm not sure. But Marbury in his prime was elite. He was what Melo is... A volume scorer whose team has never accomplished anything in the playoffs and he's asking out. I'm not saying Melo might not be a better player, especially in todays game... But to try and put them on different tiers is silly, if you ask me. Especially at 1/4th the player? Come on, guy.
  11. This is true, Marbury left the NBA a few years ago. Peak Marbury, though, 1/4th of Carmelo? Completely disagree. As a PG with the ability and output that he had, you're drunk to say he's 1/4th of Carmelo.
  12. You must have just started watching the NBA recently, I'll leave it at that. Marbury was an elite player in the league for a long time.
  13. The previous regime (Isiah) absolutely would do that... He did it for Marbury.
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