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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Three starters, a 1st, and a massive expiring. All good, young building blocks. "That's all"? We want to build a true contender, not an annual 2nd round exit. They will get him at a lesser price, in FA, or not at all. Why pay Denver's demands two weeks before the deadline when Melo's agent is telling all teams he won't extend there and we (seemingly) hold the best Melo poker hand in the league?
  2. 2012 doesn't worry me yet. If anything, maybe he plays it into an extension. To be seen, not an issue yet.
  3. Heyman said he looks like a fat slob. I'll take his word over Joba's claim that it's muscle from a gym he put in his house lol.
  4. Felton, Gallo, starter (Chandler/Fields/Amar'e/Moz?), Curry expiring, and a 1st for Melo and an old expiring PG who doesn't fit our system? They'll hold out until the price drops or the offseason and hope for the best.
  5. Got 35k XP in a CTF tonight, game didn't even go to OT. I was shocked! Also nailed down lightweight pro, slight of hand pro, and marathon pro in like 2 hours.
  6. Totally bro, but I was driving and on my phone and videos don't work outside of youtube on my Blackberry
  7. CC comes into camp at 290, 25 pounds shed from his 315 playing weight last season. Apparently, though, Joba took that weight and downed it himself. Heyman says he looks like he ate one of the clubhouse kids. Way to stay focused, slob. This is the most excited I've been for a spring training in a long while. So many spots to be won, will be great to watch unfold.
  8. Are any of these the same video? http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/22883 http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2907007/mario_kart_remi_gaillard_dag592i/ If not and it's a newer vid, I am wrong and thusly apologize. Links are dated from 08 and 09.
  9. Doesn't matter when it was uploaded to youtube lol, I'll find a link to the same video from years ago when I get home.
  10. The tears streaming down your cheeks taste like sweet, sweet nectar.
  11. Baron > Chalmers Gordon << Wade Griffin > Bosh Kaman > Whoever Foye, Aminu, Jordan, Smith, Bledsoe, Butler > Miller, Haslem, Anthony, Vet Min Posse JUST IMO Jordan would be such a delicious fit with the Heat.
  12. old video is old, i saw this years ago lol
  13. I went last year in Philly Wolstenholme is such a beast on bass
  14. Justin Bieber won't be irrelevant in a few years because he's talented. Muse is [expletive]ing incredible, SMH at anyone disrespecting their greatness. Whoever asked if Gaga is this weird IRL... I listened to a woman who specializes in Lady Gaga or something (really weird, I know) on NPR, they had a full interview with this lady... She said that Gaga was a normal chick in high school, not really that good looking, etc. But she's really smart, and created a brand (very similar to Madonna's) that would go over and appeal to the masses. She's weird, and she does it on purpose so that she's news... And now she tries to stay 'in character' 24/7 so that her brand is maintained. If you look, she dresses up as a sort of reflection of whoever is interviewing her. Check out her outfit during the Larry King interview, lol. Sorry for the Gaga rant, I thought the interview was really interesting. This [expletive] teaches a Lady Gaga course at a college, can you imagine getting credits for that??
  15. Address the sarcastic half and ignore the one with the actual point. Jerk
  16. I went from 6 to midnight
  17. Lkr knows what he's talking about, fish and trojan umad? It's not like he's throwing around some false bravado, he's trying to help the kid pick out a quality product.
  18. Philadelphia homer facebook kid is already at it. "Pitchers and catchers baby, the dream season begins"
  19. I check it all the time, phone, PC, wherever. Great way to get news, you just have to figure out who to follow and who to pass up on.
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