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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. About a week ago I was going to come on here and see what Lakeshow fans felt about a Bynum for Chandler deal, because I felt they were pretty even all things considered and Artest 'wanted out'.
  2. I watched Good Will Hunting last night for the first time, it was very good. 8.5/10?
  3. Any updates since this thread? http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/21086-newest-carmelo-rumor/page__pid__239411
  4. Yeah lol the end was bad, but I definitely laughed at the dogs and good 'ol Kenny G. The dude stops and is like "Ohh I love this song" hahaha
  5. Black Ops, Demon's Souls... All I got, lol
  6. I laughed really hard at the guy escaping from the fancy place, when they said "release the hounds" and those big fancy dogs came frolicking out. Kenny G too, haha.
  7. He was on 97.5 this morning on my drive to Jersey... Said he was at a bar, a dude at the end of the bar mentioned it to them, and he posted it to his Facebook. Apparently some woman (blogger? reporter? something) tweeted before Eckel posted anything, so there is some credence to the story that he heard it from someone first. Definitely doesn't excuse a former player posting something like that on social media without any sort of verification, and he acknowledged that on the radio interview. But he didn't fabricate it himself.
  8. I think the hate is overblown, they weren't that bad. I don't like their music, but what I heard at halftime isn't far off from what I'm used to hearing from them on the radio. Thought the Slash appearance was cool, whether or not he killed it... Just that he was there. Usher descending was cool too. Like Newman said, stolen from wherever the [expletive] or not (like I'd care regardless... stupid point to bring up as a deterrent), the lighting and dancing and blacklight stuff was really cool to watch. It was entertaining, which is all most look for in a halftime show. You aren't getting concert quality in any platform. All of that said... I liked Petty and Bruce recently.
  9. Andris Biedrins O.J. Mayo Marcus Camby Rip Hamilton Jonny Flynn Contract and price aside... I'd love to see any of these pickups for the Knicks (after a Melo deal, except for expirings, for obvious reasons).
  10. At around 2:10 LIl' C comes on, and the rest of the song is ruined forever. But Z-Ro kills it for the first bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nPEOnTO0kU&feature=related
  11. I am tired of starting new threads every time I want to post something I like, and I hate the [expletive] out of that 800 page what's playing thread... So I'll put everything I think is listen worthy in here. If you dig stuff I listen to, if we have similar taste... that's what it's about. Have a good time.
  12. I'm really sure he wasn't comparing JR Smith and Kobe, just their 360ยบ layups. He was also acknowledging JR's inferiority by saying Kobe is better at everything, lol.
  13. Agree, half of Outkast could never be considered underground.
  14. @AdamSchefter Adam Schefter RT @brickboy_4: Did you hear Eagles to name Gruden HC Tues? ... Was told last night by 3 separate people, "ridiculous", "impossible", "no."
  15. http://i53.tinypic.com/2v2jyp0.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/14y0fm1.jpg
  16. Just went 123-6 in HQ on Nuketown. I'll see about a picture later.
  17. Here come the refs to help the Packers Do ho ho Jay Kayz, Chosen. Joking.
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